right lets put this in small words ron jeremy was in a film called fugly!! UNDERSTAND YA FUCKING RETARD. Sometimes i hate life.
Oh ok, there we go. The voice of Mr. Penis, you got to click on "more" though. What a fucking shitty post, Tomm.
WTF Tommy? I did not see that either. Hey it's the holiday weekend so take a chill pill and enjoy. Probably don't have to work it like my sorry ass.
ive been working all weekend joe well if you count hanging about outside old folks homes work but it gets me threw the day.
Heh what the hell? Do you make sure they don't wonder off or something? I gotts sit here at the phone waiting to save the day in the case of some catastrophic network failure. Or if someone forgets a password.
I get to baby-sit a network and 60 kids, same as every other day at work. I'm looking for new work though. I figure if I have to put in 8 hours a day somewhere I might as well do it somewhere where they give me more money to enjoy the other 16 hours of my day.
How the fuck do you baby sit 60 kids could you explain that???? Or is babysit the word you use instead of 'abuse'???
I'm a network administrator at an internet gaming center. It's very exciting work, since we have 63 customer computers, and most of the day those computer terminals are occupied by children, or teenagers, not much difference really.
Is that right dio well really fancy that you sound like a really interseting person we shold go drinking sometime. Actually on second thoughts i think id sooner shoot myself in the face.
I was being sarcastic. I do agree with you on one point though. I'd much rather have you shoot yourself in the face.
It's Sunday six more days left and I'll gladly use a Zing on that one. (You know you only get so many of those per week) ZING!!!!!