Hamas becoming a legitimate elected political party

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Joeslogic, Jun 28, 2006.

  1. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Makes for some interesting diplomacy. No longer is it Hamas committing crimes against Israel under cover of disguise with the PLO standing there shrugging their shoulders like "Hey what can we do about it?"

    Israel once again showed a great deal of restraint since Hamas military captured and kidnapped an Israeli soldier. As is Israeli policy they refused to negotiate with terrorists. The soldier is dead now and Hamas achieved nothing really. Personally I think it should be Israeli policy to kill 100 Palestinian males of fighting age for every Hamas terrorist related killing of an Israeli. See how that works out. Where they get the patience they have is beyond me. But the interesting point is that Since Hamas party is elected to office and it was a Hamas act they went directly to the elected officials and arrested them. I love it!
  2. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    The arrests I have no argument with. Killing 100 fighting age males for every death smacks of the Nazi occupations of Europe though.

    Can't possibly understand why Israel wouldn't want to take that route.
  3. Incredulous

    Incredulous New Member

    It wasn't the soldier they killed.. it was an 18 year old 'settler' that they kidnapped the day after the soldier was taken. They said they would "butcher" this kid if Isreal didn't pull their troops out. Well, they killed him but I don't know how much buchering they did.

    Seems to me it's a 'tit for tat' thing at the moment. Isreal blowing up the north and south bridges into Gaza was pretty much a "this is your last warning" type thing, I think. So... the Hamas killed the kiddo. Somebody higher up on the food chain in Gaza said yesterday that the international community shouldn't stand for what Isreal is doing to them and that the United States should step in. I hope the international community responds with, "Well.. you started it!" Isreal has been pulled out of there since last October. (I think it was October)

    Seriously, these guys dug a tunnel under the border and behind the first guard posts.. 9 months after Isreal pulled out of Gaza, killed two guards and kidnapped another, then kidnapped and killed an innocent kid and left his body to be found just because they said they would. And they hope people will come running to help them why?
  4. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Because their leadership is that corrupt. They embezzle every dime they can get their grubby paws on and then blame the economic woes of the country on Israel.
  5. Incredulous

    Incredulous New Member

    True enough. Another comment was made by the same guy yesterday about how Isreal is withholding medical supplies, food, etc. (I tried to find the exact quote but I can't.) It seems to me that if Gaza wants to be 'independent' then.. uh, I don't know, be independant maybe? I know it's not that simple or clear cut but if it's so obvious to the rest of the world that Hamas leaders are squealing over every tiny 'injustice' when it was they who made it the way it is, that they can't see it that way too? It's been speculated though that Hamas doesn't have near the control over different militant groups than it wants everybody to believe. So they either have to keep eating crow or admit to everybody, "We ain't had nothin to do with no kidnappin.. we tolds em not to do dat." I guess I'm not able to get too 'into' politics because I have no tolerance for anything or anyone that blatantly ignores common sense.

    Now Isreal has arrested Palistinian cabinet members and said they'll trade them for the soldier. This is going to get even more interesting before it's over, I'm thinkin.
  6. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Did you see the picture of that poor kid they killed? I mean WTF for? Kill some 18 year old kid, probably still a virgin, just to kill him. We need to back Israel and just kick the shit out of all of them, Syria included.

    I cant believe they have the balls to kidnap and kill soldiers, and innocent civilians, and then ask the international community for help. I think its a time wasting ploy, hate to sound like smurf, but somethings up.

    They are trying to pick a fight. Why? Who knows. I think its fishy though.
  7. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Yeah I got confused about the soldier and the kid my bad.

    Since abortion is acceptable in the world view Isreal should creat the technology like they used to controll certian insect populations. Basically make Palestinians infertile and give them the land they so badly want and when they eventually die off they gewt it back. Bada Bing Bada Bang Bada Boom! a perfectly ethical solution.
  8. phatboy

    phatboy New Member

    Ethical or ethnical?

    You would think that since Israel pulled out of Gaza that the palestinians would be happy. I hate to sound like smurf, but something is up. Its like the little dog biting the big dog, eventually the big dog will kill the little dog. Its not like palestine has a chance against israel.
  9. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Yep, something sure is up phat. It's about that time a fight was picked between Israel and Palestine, which the US would have to side with Israel on even though the entire Muslim community would eye them as the agressors. They just got to keep on driving that rift wider and wider.
  10. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Yeah Smurf it's called Biblical Prophecy.
  11. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Doesn't mean it had to be fulfilled. Sniping a kid who is merely throwing a rock at a big steel tank doesn't exactly paint a peachy picture for Israel.
  12. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    So the stupid press has figured it out and is doing what they can to change the facts and assist the terrorists in every way they can. Now there saying that
    Fucking scumbags you watch it morph now into not Hamas but so called radical fringe groups. There Hamas of course but that gives Israel a diplomatic advantage fighting against the terrorists. We can't have that can we?
  13. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    All they are doing is reporting facts. If you don't like the facts don't blame them.
  14. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Don`t go lame Joe ! The Hamas in governmental position might still be good. That the far right rethorics of the muslem community are put to the center is certainly an awakener, or at least, a warning. The closer Hamas gets to power, the easier it is for the IDF to respond.

    Everybody with sane mind knows that Israel could walk over all of the palestinean territories without sweat.

    On the other hand; the palestineans could not do anything without the world community stopping the response from jewish parts.

    ( I once trained in Raffi Livens school, he still holds the world record of broken bricks ( hundred in a minute ),).

    Those guys would clear out Gaza in a day, if they weren`t afraid of being labeled NAZI !
  15. DangerousDan

    DangerousDan New Member

  16. XerxesX

    XerxesX New Member

    Would you care to elucidate my ignorant self on that last comment, dan ? I seem to misunderstand your pretentions at discourse. My dillusion implies to me that you come under a certain label. So as not to hurt anybodys feelings I will refrain, but inform me please :eek:
  17. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Dio said:
    To much agreement I felt the need to throw in a little drama.
  18. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

  19. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Here you have this "progressive" news sight and another anti Bush opinion regarding the Israeli issue. Even the regular readers think he is "off his rocker" (thats right Nurseu I said it again)


    Some of the hillarious replies:

    Dear Mr. Editor,Sorry, but by Viktor Ramius
    Viktor, Your comment is just by Anonymous
    Dear Tim.Please excuse bad by Viktor
    Haniyeh Opts for Collective Punishment, Abbas winks by Anonymous
    Olmert Opts for Collective Punishment, Bush Winks by Anonymous
    Olmert Opts for Collective Punishment, Bush Winks by Eric
    Eric. Failing to provide by Anonymous
    Israel's the bad guy? by Anonymous
    When Did Israel Recognize the Palestinian's Right to Exist? by Anonymous
    Israel, Palestine, USA, Iraq by Anonymous
    You live in an aternate universe by lizardracer
    Yikes! Mathew, Love The by J.G.
    Need Computer Assisted Reporting HElp? by Anonymous
    Olmert Opts for Collective Punishment, Bush Winks by Jim
    Yikes! Mathew, Love The by J.G.
    Yikes J.G. by Floyd
    Mr. Rothschild's comments by JBF-Atlanta GA USA
    Bravo! by Viktor Ramius
    Palestine & Israel by Anonymous
    what world do you live in? by Anonymous
    What World Do you Live In? by Floyd
    Anyone who disagrees with you is an AIPAC stooge by hmp
    Not Everyone, bue Definitely You by Floyd
    This article is so flawed I by Anonymous
    Flawed by Floyd
    Timeline by Anonymous
    Bomb it all to ablivion by Anonymous
    You are sicker than them by Anonymous
    hamas settled for a two state solution????? by Anonymous
    Dear Editor, Read more by Anonymous
  20. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Well looks like it is on. The hamas took off their hamas hats and put on the hezbollah hats and attacked Israel again so fuck-em I wish Israel would wipe the existence of Palestinians off the face of the globe. The world would be a much better place.

    In the mean time I still think they should at least start massive arrests of any Palestinian male or female that looks like there is a remote possibility that they may be guilty and put them in jail for a mandatory two weeks where they are then sterilized. Do that for about ten years or so and the situation would be fixed in 40 years. Seems like a long time but its not really. If there are any peaceful Palestinians then at least the gene pool would be cleaned. And they could breed a new race of Palestinians that are pleasant to be around.

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