I mean really they want to menace South Korea with Nuclear bombs that’s one thing. Now their trying to imply they have the technology to hit us with an ICBM. Should we go ahead thank Clinton for giving away satellite guidance technology as well as our encryption tech to China? Who probably helped North Korea? One thing left to do a preemptive missile strike on their missile launching sight if they refuse to remove the fuel and put their little toy back in the box.
Ok I was not paying attention North Korea obviously. So go check with Katie Curic or CP USA maybe they have some talking points on this.
How about this one. North Korea is a sovereign nation. They have as much right to develope missile programs and self-defense measures as anyone else. A pre-emptive strike is a violation of international law. And don't blame Clinton for missile technology being sold overseas. The Chinese have stolen more information then they've purchased. Ever heard of Titan Rain Joe?
The Democratic Party received millions of dollars of communist money during the Clinton administration at the same time he loosened the restrictions in satellite launch programs assisted by companies such as Loral technologies. That is coincidentally when the Chinese stole our Satellite and encryption technology. That was the one single most crucial intelligence loss in my lifetime. Most people would call that treason and there would be a media uproar if there were to be any integrity in the forth branch you preach about.
If USA wans to stop trading with China, thats your business, ( Or lack of ). Hitting Northkorea WILL hurt bad. Kim Elvis might go bonkers, or it might collapse like a house of cards. Its not the kind og thing one gambles on. The democratic communist scum that want to trade with China should get the mercy of Judge Lynch. No more trade with China !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
I think its kinda funny now that Korea can easily hit the west with a missle the media is all over it. Not saying it would be a good thing, but LA, I could get by without it..... Of course, living about 30 minutes away from one of, if not the, largest nuclear weapons facilities in the country, I all ready know we'd be one of the first target anyhow. How sweet it is. Mutually assured destruction. Of course North Korea is crazy enough to actually do it, another example of a good place to have a small nuclear incident, along with Iran....
We could launch one of our submarine based missiles and lob it right into their missile. Would be interesting with all the fuel there would be a HUGE explosion like the worlds largest Molotov cocktail. I understand its sitting there on the launch pad fueled up and ready. Also we could test the stability of a nuclear warhead being triggered by a secondary explosion. :twisted: