I said I would if I could, but I can't so I won't and I don't really want to because I'm assuming she's a girl and I don't like girls. Besides, I meant 'bug in a jar' kind of poking, not metaphorical sexual pokage. Ew. You guys poke her if you wanna.
Sex? Who said anything about sex? And here I went through all this trouble to sharpen my favorite polearm. Fine fine... All that time... wasted. TheStreaker
It's those damned TPA reports again. They never quite get sent out on time. I'll just have those fools come in on Saturday... Yeah.... TheStreaker
No luck needed. I tell them I'm paying time and a half, and practically suck my dick for the opportunity. I tend to hire people with something to lose. That way, I never have to worry about man power. I say money, and they ask how much. TheStreaker
The reason you didn't get your memo is because you forgot your cover sheet. Their will be a memo about it tomorrow.
Wkd whore you are a fucking joke of all the people that have ever joined this forum i can't think of someone making therself look like a total fucking idiot as quick as you have shut the fuck up you stupid little whore we all saw your true colours when you first joined with your pathetic evil sarah posts,shove your apoligy up your substandardly fat ass you loudmouth childish inbred hill billy retard. Do yourself and the rest of us a favour and leave before you show yourself up even more than you already have you stupid bitch. I repeat.......... DIE.
get screwed you american dumbass, your so fake its pathetic. Go and slit your throat because your a worthless piece of shit, and nobody gives a shit about you. I hope you die you fucking nigger because i will spit on your fucking grave, you sad fucking piece of scum. Im a whore?? lol you say it like its a bad thing you fucking tosser. OMG you have the cheek to call me a hillbilly your the one who lives in america you dumb shit, you just contridicted yourself you ugly fucking dumb twat. Next time you wanna argue pick someone who will back down because i certainly fucking wont you queer prick. Go and get knocked down by a bus you fucking retard.
Yes wkd your right im nothing but a dumb yank aint i,just another american wanker. Should someone else tell her or should we just let her carry on????
Hey! How come he gets to be a wanker? All I got was "Lame". This sucks.. I want a recount! Oh and I'm not a hillbilly, for your information. I's a redneck.
i couldnt give two shits what you fucking are and dwaine you fat gay prick why the fuck do you intend to think i am 14? get it right you pathetic piece of dumb lanky shit, your all a bunch of losers who need to get real jobs. Go on make my day....go and slit your throat
Ive worked hard to be a wanker eos your still just lame you gotta be prepared to start at the botom of the ladder and work your way up keep going you'll make it someday ive every confidence in you.