As some of you may recall, I bought my very first fishtank a month or two ago, along with my very first (live) fish, a male Betta. He's in a 2.5 gallon tank, complete with decorations and shit. So, the other day, I have this idea that I need something else in the tank to gobble up the food that the Betta misses and settles to the bottom, and something else to take care of the shit that accumulates in the rocks. So, I come home with an Albino Cory, and two Ghost Shrimp. The Cory is a Catfish breed, and an opportunistic bottom-feeder. He does a good job of keeping the rocks clean, and the shrimp seem to gravitate towards the excess food before even going near the shit at the bottom. Also, the tank seems to murk up faster now, and I'm seeing some gunk acumulate in there that I'd never seen before. The long and short of it is, I think I'm going to buy a larger tank soon. These things are addictive, and I'm not the 'high maintenence' type, and I've heard that the larger the tank, the less maintenence it takes. Thoughts? Feedback?
I've had the same three carnival goldfish for 7 years now. I didn't know they could live that long...and they are huge. And that bullshit about them not getting larger than their enviroment. Lies. They went from a 2.5 gallon originally to now a 20 gallon. Just three fish..... But i've had them so long, i'm attached.
Where does it end? I was at a guy's house and the base of his wall to wall entertainment center is all one humungo custom aquarium. It looks pretty damn awsome.
Does anyone here know anything about tortoise,someone gave me one yesterday and i aint gotta clue what to do with it and the entertainment possibilitys on tortoise is strictly limited so does anyone know do they need a heat lamp keeping warm or can i just let it wander the house at its pleasure are there different breeds if so how dod i know what breed this is etc etc im open to advice. And please dont tell me to put it in the washer,microwave,dryer,toaster,bath etc cos ive already done that,all advice stupid or serious is welcome.
Tommy - my grandparents have had a desert tortoise for 40+ years now, he lives outside and eats a salad every day (prefers Romaine lettuce to Iceburg). Hibernates through the winter, and is a better indicator of when the seasons are going to change than the weatherman. Can't say that I can help you with a baby, though...
I wonder, wha the hell do sheep think about.... "Oh shit, here he comes with the shears, " or, "oh shit he has a kilt, clench your anus extra tight boys"....