and if I step on one more fucking lego on the way to take a piss at 3 A.M. I swear I'm going to kick the shit out of you...
If you break our castle and call it one lego again, I swear to christ i'll break your knee caps with a pillowcase full of Harlans rock collection, you bastard...
When you said "toys" I was under the impression you meant contraptions to aid in the making of said babies. But, reading further...Legos. My first disappointment of the day. Thanks!
Don't worry Ferine, the black box under the bed has a lock on it. And I don't leave those "toys" laying around. I hope that brought a tiny ray of sunshine into your day. But after words can we play legos??
My girlfriend has a few friends with kids and everytime she sees em all I here for a week is "I want one!!!". And I say "Not yet bitch!".