He is being detained by the Dutch authorities for something about strapping a girl down naked in his bed and assulting her with a pair of electric clippers.
I think the dishes finally took over. Their was a religous rebellion in his apartment. Kind of like that robinson caruso (SP? who cares) shit. Hes probably tied down with trash bags being attacked by the 'spork' people. That or that chick he asked to shave her bush went crazy and hacked him up.
No, it's not okay in paradise, where the fuck is spooon? I tend to agree with the wet dick theory though.
Spoon? Nah, he cant be in jail. Looking at his pic he reminded me of the kid in school that sat in the back of the class eating bugars. Not really harmful. Then again he could be like one of those columbine idiots too. But he didnt seem to do much outside the internet, maybe one handed typing took over....
that's what i'm saying! he lived on here. i'm telling you--he flipped and killed himself or somebody or something.
Curiosity killed the cat. Satisfaction brought her back. I was refering to the Seven Deadly Needs. I can't remember them all, but I tthere's the need to know, be right, look good. . . ummm . . . Something something something something.
google: the Need to Know, to Be Right, to Get Even, to Look Good, to Judge, to Keep Score, and to Control
But those arent the seven deadly sins. Or are they new age interpetations of what they are? Vanity, greed, stuff like that...