Bought a fishtank, albeit a small one, as I've never had one before. Assuming my fish lives, what the fuck should I name him? He's a Betta, and on a steady diet of tropical flakes and freeze-dried bloodworms. Quite a playful fella, especially if you put a mirror in front of him.
Lets see ...... He's blue..... Won't tolerate other fish in the same tank.... Eats anything.... Brain the size of a BB. Fights with things that aren't really there.... Interesting at first, but you quickly get bored with his same old stuff.... Ahh, I think I would name him SMURF. Barry
My vote goes for the name.... "Blue Fish" And for the record if you get a different colored fish in addition to Blue Fish, I vote to name it _____ Fish.
Heh... this little fella's got some balls. I put a mirror up to the tank and he started showing off, he has this retractible 'display' that comes out from behind his gills, and I've been conditioning him to do it to my face when I get close to the tank. It's going to be great when people come by to see him and I can tell them... "See? He doesn't like you..."
funnily enough theres discussions going on at eatpoo about "beta males" so i'll sugesst "emotional tampon".. or tammy for short
Lassie was always a good name for a decent fish. Perhaps you could open a vein in his little throat and live of the blood ? Just like the Massai of Kenya with their Moohmoohs.
It’s so pretty. And I'm one of those bigoted male chauvinist types that thinks pretty things are feminine.