The end of the world is here, and the first plauge is frogs. These are lined up for the buffet on my back porch ceiling.
GODDAM!!! Everything's moving too fast!!! Second plague already? AARaraRAgGHhHhhhlolololololololoBungleSux....
I can never get the spelling of "plague" right. It's a problem I just have to accept and move on. Barry
Here 'ya go Ferine. That is my thumb, and the frog is one of those hallucinating kinds. Use your imagination for what happened next. BTW - in the bottom picture the frog has that euphoric look on his face because he is humping my finger. I guess that "magic hands" are not species specific. Barry
Haha, saying that I'm a homosexual with Jungle Fever. Wow, no one ever thought of that before. If you're going to attempt to steal Nursey's M.O. you should at least attempt to be as thorough as she is.
She built the foundation upon which all future jokes at your expense will be made with this picture: Besides, I'm sure I'd find you on one of those gay dating sites if searched around but fuck that.
Now that's a frog needs to take a shit if I have ever seen a frog that needs to take a shit which I am pretty sure I probably have.