I guess I am kind of sad. Oh well, at least I can hang out here in fuglyforums and be my sad self. This is like my "Cheers".
If this forum ever needs a new antisemite, I can stand in for Ulfur. I hate everything that's not white, including myself for being half mexican. I especially hate homosexual nigger jews.
I am still alive. :twisted: I only have access to a computer when I go several miles to a location which is secure enough for me to surf freely. Probably in a couple of weeks, I should be on pretty regularly.
You got something with a lot of pretty insigniae on it? I need to expand my collection. I haven't bought anything in over a year now.
Oh, damn... I didn't mean to get you *that* excited... It's just a few pics to tide you over until I get those tornado pics posted...