What is wrong with this forum? There is never anyone here, no-one ever on the chat! I know im a pain in the arse but im bloody bored!! So come on post some funny pic's or something (anything) please!! (creep creep) why hasnt anyone rated me yet? tell a lie 3 have ..... Rate me now!!! U bastards dont be mean!! 'ahem' Ive rated loads of people!! Anyway enough crap from me Bye!!!!!
boo hoo!!!!!!!!!!! go get a real life...some friends, something to do besides sitting on your ass in front of your computer typing on the internet.
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kaye: boo hoo!!!!!!!!!!! go get a real life...some friends, something to do besides sitting on your ass in front of your computer typing on the internet.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> OK FUCKFACE what the fuck does it look like your doing right now. Upity bitch
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by kaye: boo hoo!!!!!!!!!!! go get a real life...some friends, something to do besides sitting on your ass in front of your computer typing on the internet.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Excuse moi!! But the last 5 times ive come on here U have always been the person who posted last!! So just Fuck off and get wasted!! U fucking asslicking spunk bubble!! (whatever 1 of those are!!)
i new you'd say that. and the only reason im in right now is cuz i have to go to work in like half an hour so it would be quite pointless to go out. and child of the porn. im not a fuckface. i dont fuck face. i fuck dick. so maybe im a fuckdick.
Well perhaps FUCKDICK!!! I dont want to go out I may want to sit on my ass typing on the internet! But what the fuck has it got to do with you? And if I didnt sit on my ass typing on the internet you wouldnt have anything to winge about!! Then again you would cause it seems you winge about everything!! And yes I know I winge!! So fuck yourself!!
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally blurted disgruntingly by Sane: What is wrong with this forum since i came her? There is never anyone here when i am, no-one ever on the chat because of me! I know im a pain in the arse. So come on post some funny pic's or something or me vomiting and retching why has everyone rated 1 star? Bye!!!!! <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> of course, we cant actually say what fugly is. You will have to see for yourself