a porn shoot for a pretty seedy web-site. She shall remain nameless, but on the sight she said her name was Keely (lying and pornography, doesn't speak well for her character). Another buddy of mine showed up at work today and shows me the sight, and sure enough she's sucking and fucking a couple old dudes (thats right, 2 old guys, I mean 45+, she's 19). At one point in her free preview on the sight they actually put up her moaning "I love old dick". I'm thinking of giving her a tremendous amount of shit for it, but am unsure what my opening salvo should be. I'm thinking I'll make a few comments about safe sex, since the guys weren't wearing condoms. Or say something about old dick. This could be fun. :twisted:
If you're good friends with her, i'd just take the direct approach. "I saw you fucking old dudes on that site. I hope you got paid well for being such a nasty whore. Buy me something slut and I won't tell your folks" Or if she's just an acquaintance, leave out folks - insert co-workers.
Nah, she's not a good friend of mine at all. She's a giant attention whore who spent a bunch of time bragging about how she was a porn star now. She stops into my work to see me, acts like she's all interested, but I've seen this game before. As soon as I show interest she'll take off, so I'm not having any of it. I don't really respect her at all, she's not exactly the salt of the earth. That's why I'm relishing in this opportunity. I think she's a dispicable human being.
In that case print out some pics of her quality time with the elderly . . subtitle them helping the elderly or something. . flyer m via internal mail
There's a hookah bar across the parking lot from where I work. She used to work there. I'm thinking about getting a hacked password, downloading the whole video, creating a looping WMVfile of the cumshot, and giving it to the owner to play when she comes into the hookah bar again. Either that, or the "I love old dick" sound bite would be great as a loop. I just don't know if the payoff will be worth the time invested. I might just go with a bunch of snide comments. Maybe that way she'll stop coming back to my damn store and bugging me while I'm trying to post.
Go with this. Say hey I saw you on whatever site it is. I see you prefer Classic Nut to New Nut 2 to 1. This is a great one for the single fact its a Classic Coke New Coke joke. Also the 2 to 1 works because on those old ads they always prefered whatever 2 to 1. This works here because there where 2 old guys nut sack wrestling on her chin. Go with it.
I never said she was cute. Although most of the guys here at work drool when she walks in the door. This place is like a jail, anything pink between the legs looks good.