There are some things most people can participate in, and other stuff they should stay away from. Our owners will probably design a good ballance, as soon as te ideological anomalie in the current news is done with. In a way we are allready in a democratically oniented cuberdictatorship
The ability to make you an automaton and to watch your movements and adjust your patterns of behaviour are allready here. The ability to check what you do with your computer is peanuts for private operators. But those with these powers, do so much to please the great hungry beast that want forever young pretty meat for fantasy and STUFF in accordance with the dance of the neighbourly eye and the last comercial, that they might destroy the machinesociety itself. It is a democracy after all. And when the consumer-habits are easiest fixed at ca 15 years. ( Brand-loyalty ect ) we end up with the current "forever young"-shit. The democracy That would be a revolution. ( Ratburger yes; Zion No ! ).wants to be taken care of by grown ups. Then we get the "revolutionaries" and they really need to know what powers exist and not what is "fair" and unfair" treatment of every clan or creed or colour or country or crop of crap. The blood spilled must at least mean something. Peace ! ( Regret yet ) :wink:
Yeah, I still don't know what you're talking about. I think you're misunderstanding when I say cyber-dictatorship.
Cyber-dictatorship being an AI that mediates and moderates society for the benefit of humanity. Theoretically an AI would be devoid of self preservation and ambition problems, and if programmed wisely enough would guide society towards it's prime directive, whatever that may be.
I'm still stuck on the microwave thing. Just think of its alternative good uses. A pest control company for instance. Every one makes a ham sandwich sets it on the kitchen counter and leaves the house. Then come back 2 min later no more cockroaches or mice. And there is your hot ham sandwich sitting right on the counter. Damn! War technology can be awesome!
:lol: right. There are so many problems with an AI running the world, it's not even funny. Besides, we're already the greatest machines ever. The complexity of the human body staggers the imagination, and science has a long way to go to figuring it out. A decent human being, if taught correctly, can run the world correctly and steer humanity towards its prime directive.
Dio wrote In a way the USagencies can have such a role. Not as AI but as an analytical machine that acts on a base so broad that human minds hardly can fathom its depth. That is why the germans arent allowed to broaden the base of internettadresses. The NSA dont have the computercapacity to guard such a field as that one proposed. The problem emerges when there have been suspicions of teck-theft. And Boeings sudden grasp of airbus-like technology could well speak of such a connection. But in the long run the USA wont need this. The military might alone is enough to secure its wealth in the years to come. Those poor insurgent terrorists dont know it. But USA allready won the 3 ( or 4th ) world war :shock:
Edison is a good american inventor. Untill one hears about Tezla and the first featuremovie ever made. Entrepreneurs all 8)
The U.S. government, and it's form of checks and balances, is a machine designed to remove the individual human as far from power as was possible. Congress is a machine designed to eliminate individual ambition by pitting it against the ambitions of others, who are equally ambitious and will theoretically nullify each others ambition. The next step would be a government where the human element is completely removed, either that or further minimized. I acknowledge the problems with an AI running the world are legion, but that's why I modified the statement with the qualifier "If done correctly." An improperly programmed AI is something of a sci-fi nightmare, with Sky-net from Terminator as probably the most famous example of AI running amok, the Matrix Trilogy also being another example of humans losing contol of a futuristic AI.
And you would have think-tanks lining up with free programmers and it could be done cheaply. No sound somehow cool . But since the programmer allready sit at your National Security we ARE in a Cyber-Republican age ( Maybe ) ?
No doubt a large degree of government control is done by electronic meas. When I say cyber-dictatorship, I mean there is no more humanity in government. But I see what your saying about the NSA and government. Always be wary of the man who would control what it is that you read, for in his heart he sees himself as your master.
Sentence #1: YES! Sentence #2: YES!! Sentence #3: Oh no... come on.. Our government has been set up to be the slow ass beast that it is, so it takes a long ass time to get anything done on the real issues. Support from the public usually wanes over time, and eventually any kind of rally someone may have had on theirs in particular is lost. The next step isn't to remove the human element, it's to remove the unnecessary and stupid person's impact on his surrounding. Eliminate democracy, idiots shouldn't be allowed to influence policy. Tell the people how to live, what to eat, and what to think. Right now everyone is drunk with freedom and thinks they have the right to smoke and give themselves cancer or eat so much they become overweight, and thus pass these behaviors on to their children who don't know better.
Not really, you're drastically expanding the scope of government responsibility. Governments job is to protect person, property, and rights. That's it.
The only way to make US Goverment work is to take out the money factor. If there is no money to be made you might get some honest people in there.
That will never happen, seeing as how government allocates resources, and those resources primarily take the form of money.
It'll no longer be a government at that point, Diogenes. Something more like the feudalistic days when the "gods" ruled over the people. They already got all the shit they need to whip people into shape, they just need to stage a perfect event so that it all falls into place correctly.
Not saying no taxes, I'm saying they do not get paid for having the office. They are given what they need like food shelter and thats it. No company or anyone is allowed to give any kind of money to any public offical. Also anyone who runs uses the same ammount of money from a fund set-up for that reason. With a set number of people allowed to run. Each state would have a set number of people who they want to be president. They pick who they want from the group. Then you have every state counted for. Then we would do primes just as normal with low men out. Til we had a winner. Same with congres.