...there's this big nig at my work that has that black power attitude screaming out of everything he does. He accents everything he says like he has so much authority cuz hes a 6'8" black dude. Ex. first time i met him i said subtly(is that how you spell it?) how ya doin?, he goes, NO how are YOOOOOOOUU doing? I was like fine buddy. GOOD he goes. I felt like i should have said WHITE POWER and threw my fist up, but i prolly would have got fired. Since then every time i see the guy he stares at me for some reason. I have nothing against civilized black people and a few good friends that are black but fuck the rest of your niggers! I dont know where this fuck gets off but i don't owe him respect because hes black. Suggestions?
I'm not clear on what you want? What you described sounds like alpha male behavior, which I think is exihibeted in males in general. Its not your fault yer pretty enough to stare at either.
Just do your best to avoid him. If he starts his bullshit, leave the room. I find it best not to go to lunch, break, hang out etc with co-workers. Especially the stupid ones.
Man up, Sometimes all it takes is a certain look. No one fucks with me or speaks to me at work. Its the way I carry myself.
what kind of an office, it really depends on what you can get away with and if you can be a convincible badass. if he is acting like that than just as "alpha" males do just one up him, in this case just get more guetto than him. from personal experience there is only one thing more intimidating than an aggressive black male, thats a nutty fuckin white boy.
Just ask him what he is staring at. You shouldn't have said fine when he said how are you doing. You should have asked him what crawled up his ass and laid eggs.
wow either fugly attracts some serious bad asses or we have a lot of people living out their fantasies online
We are a group of Misfits and I do not know about most of the other guys but I had to fight a whole hell of a lot coming up because I was a misfit.
then you should know that resolving a conflict has nothing to do with "how you carry yourself" if you mean it in a sense of being king shit and acting like it........... dingle... let me give you some internet advice that doesn't involve a spinning side kick or hero fantasy that involves you fucking his hot wife..... if the guy is an idiot ignore him if you can, if you cant ignore him talk to him privately but normally, shit persists tell your boss that's not being a pussy or any other bullshit anyone might try to tell you, that's being smart, although having a good story to tell is sometimes worth an asskicking it's not worth the kind of trouble idiots with nothing to do all day can bring into your life
I think it depends if he really likes his job. Me persoannly, I really don't take shit from anyone like that, but hey, I'm a student... Im sure when I get finished and get a real "job" I will take a ton of shit
The only person at a job you should have to take shit from is the guy who signs your checks everyone else can kiss your ass. Keep him happy your happy.
I'm self employed for this very reason. I'm not a very good kiss ass, even to the guy who writes the checks... But I have to agree with smiles on this, the most efficient way to handle the situation, if you need to keep your job, is just ignore the guy, or try talking to him. But I might suggest you not refer to him as "nig" when doing so.
grim.... if you had to fight as much as you say you did when you were younger then you wouldn't be dispensing such foolish advice...... most people out there who look for trouble do so because they thrive on it, it's what they do, they'll always try yo take it to the next level because they're insecure-ass individuals who feel they have something to prove.... meaning that if you offend this cretin he's likely to follow you home or cause you a whole lot of trouble you don't really need..... the man is not causing you any real trouble right now, he's just an idiot, the best thing to do is to ignore him, not try to prove to him that you're just as badass as he is.... simply put.......... unless the man directly insults you or starts talking shit about you there is no real reason you should stoop down to his level
tree hugging? no that’s the voice of experience..... i dont know how you guys get down in alabama or whatever backwoods outhouse you call home but where i'm from things escalate very quickly... that’s why people mind their own fucking business.... kk? p.s. making assumptions about people you know nothing about is bound to make you look very, very stupid