Yeah I don't care what the fucker has done in prison, I'm a strong beliver in you do the crime you got to do the time. Well this fucker got sentenced to death has sat there for 25 years and its time to fucking pay. He can write 1000 kids book and blow the pope he still got to die. We just had one here who finally got excuted he killed one of my friends back in the 90's. They tried to get a stay for him because they where saying the fucker was retarded. He was no more retarded then the man on the moon. Thank god they saw threw the sham and wacked the fucker. Now this big dumb son of a bitch who started one of the worst gangs in the history of America needs to die bottem line.
a) it costs more to execute an inmate than to keep him jailed for life b) capital punishment has never been a prevent deterrent of crime simply because criminals don't believe they'll be caught c) the crips were started as an offshoot of the black panther party, the man could have hardly known they would get this big d) he has been nominated for the nobel peace prize four times i believe for his work in anti gang violence....... what's the reason for executing him again? i know he killed four people but doesn't life in prison seem much more like an actual punishment? especially when the man might still have something usefull to contribute to society?
How the hell does it cost more to excute someone then to feed and board them for the rest of there life?
Exactly. Blind perpetrators then have a hard time poking out the eyes of innocent people again. In other words, dead people don't kill again. Let me gouge out your eye one night and lets see if you still feel the same way. I worked on Alabama's Death Row for a while. Believe me, by the time the person makes it there, they need to be put down for good. Maybe you have never met anyone who truly lacks a conscience. It will change your mind about a lot of things when you do. Barry
From a person who has been in prison, that lie they tell you that prision is rehablitive, is VERY false. All you do is hang around criminals and think of crimes to do when you are free. If it was my choice, life in prison or leathal injection? I'd be like hook that machine up with herion
In my humble opinion, it's hard to use capital punishment as a deterrent when you have inmates sitting on death row for the past 12+ years. Meanwhile, the citizens of that state are paying their tax dollars so they can get free medical, dental, cable TV, education, etc. Prison itself has too many freedoms (for lack of a better term). You have even more violence in prison between gangs over drugs, power, race, whatever. What are the statistics, if any, when it comes down to repeat offenders vs. the former inmates who paid their debt and stayed out of trouble? A contribution to society would be to harvest their organs for someone who needs them. I'm sure somebody needs a kidney, bone marrow, blood, etc. Medical schools need cadavers. Let them pay the ultimate price for what they did to people. If I lost someone I knew and cared about, I'd at least get a sense of closure knowing they were executed.
I crashed out about 9 so I could be awake to watch the news when they announce his death. I want to see if the dumbasses tear up there own hood again like after the King deal.
There's something about that post which reminds me of the most pathetic, cowardly little creeps i've ever had the misfortune to encounter.
Barry, you have some very valid points in your argument, while myself I have never visted or worked with people from death row I cannot fully understand your perception of events or the people incarcerated there. Violence is man's nature, we were violent creatures before we were conscience cognitive beings living in communities of any kind. I personally think that if you commit an act of murder, you should be forced to work the rest of your life harvesting crops on a farm, providing a productive useful tool for society, I think and believe that being in prision just reinforces the notion that the individual is useless, while they may infact be useless in our civil society that can be productive members non the less with no freedoms of any kind except for manual labor. While I am not making the claim that this is a cure all solution for our society's needs, I think it is one idea that we could build on, among countless others I'm sure that with the right excection could provide a system that does not allow for people to spend a lifetime caught up in a system that depends on them as much as they depend on it. A society can often be seen for it's true values on how it treats it's criminals and animals.