I want that shirt. and here is where i piss off everyone..I hate friends, I hate the real world, I hate seinfeld. but i will cry at almost every episode of 'extreme home makeover', and am an unabashed survivor addict. which it took me a while to get over being ashamed of...never watched a single one during all the seasons..until one night was at a friends house and saw rupert in his skirt bein made fun of..then I was hooked, and have been ever since. hey, everyone has their guilty pleasures and those are mine..that and the fact that I still watch snl hoping that they will be funny, and laughing even when they aren't, just because I want them to be so bad.
I never had a headbangers ball shirt. I wasn't even "allowed" to watch MTV. I got caught watching the Aerosmith - Ragdoll video (Oooh scandalous) and was grounded for a week. Growing up in the bible belt was fun.
wow talk about child abuse...... you should visit europe... the land of cheap smokes, cellphones, alcohol, naked commercials and nude beaches
No. Assembly of Hypocrits. Funny, most of that was allowed. It was MTV and sex aids that had our "community" in an uproar.
My Father was anti-mtv as well, mainly because of Beavis and Butthead. I have to say, I have seen almost every episode though.
Say what you want, you're still fucking OWNED Lay back and be rat faces bitch like a good little mong.
We must kill our fathers and rape our mothers, how else can a youngling grow up and wach his favourite show ? Oedipus was not allowed to wach MTV. Zeus killed his father. ( We advice that all theology is purely fictional and should not be considered material for hormonally challenged juveniles ) Shows about pychic and spiritual forces that go fisticuffing and throwing eachother into heaps of cardboardboxes are COOL. Go Buffy. Shows about girls in aline and people getting their hair and teeth done freaks me out.