This was a long damn week, I have a new found respect for my boss. I covered his days this week so he could take another trip to Vegas. Well on Fridays he always seems on edge, I had never worked a 17 hour Friday since I have been there. So I had no idea. Wen and Thursday went by like a breeze. But getting up Friday my god it was hard. I got there and it really felt like the room was closing in on me all day. I guess working 2 back to back 15 hour days going into a 17 can really fuck with you. I understand now why he always seems so "cabin fevery" on Fridays. Towards the last 2 hours I looked up at the clock and I really felt like the thing was ticking backwards. I felt my hair crawling and I just wanted out of that room lol. I have mad respect for him doing that shift every damn week. The weekend is a breeze cause you are so damn busy. But the mid week up to friday is dead and there is nothing on TV to watch and the internet is about boring as hell after about 5 hours. So yeah that was my week. I did churn out a pretty decent flick on the movies. I'm going to get a Casio Keyboard to start cutting my own sound tracks for the game. I really love that fucking game, It lets me get some of these ideas I have out of my head and put them into something that is real and not pictures in my head. I have been really and I mean really happy since I have gotten the game. See its alway been my dream to make movies since i was a boy, I have tried writting scripts and such but as you all know my english sucks so it always frustrated me. This thing has freed my ideas and has allowed me to share them with the public and it makes me happy I don't even feel angry anymore. Its so weird that a game, Just a simple game has improved my feelings and mood by allowing me to do something I can't do for the lack of english skills its might freeing. Ok done sharing now see ya guys later.