I either got this by e-mail or it was posted on here before. http://rds.yahoo.com/;_ylt=Avp0v1s5...plaza.ufl.edu/njh/vids/hurratorpedo.wmv]hurro torpedo - total eclipse of the heart[/url]
Darn! Just cut and paste this into your address bar Dan, and lay off the drugs. http://www.godalrighty.com/images/moron.jpg Barry
It does link in other forums thought. I don't know why. I was able to post the same link in another forum and then I copied that link from that forum which is what you just saw and it took me to some advertisement page. In the other forum it went to the link. It is somehow blocked from being linked to this site.
You are wrong. You are always wrong. Yet you never stop with the mouth. Your bascially just a mouthpiece tool.