I think he's supposed to be that way. When I was a kid my brother used to be scared of Ronald McDonald. Probably cause the guy seemed like a child molester hanging out in a big yellow suit disguise with all the little kids not saying anything so his voice couldn't be identified.
No , it's how he looks so fucking wierd in the ads, he looks, like a fucking ..I don't know..maybe clownish or something.
clowns to the left of me, jokers to my right I've had that fucking song in my head for days... Kids were afraid of Chuck E Cheese. *I* used to be *him* People would make me hold their babies and I scared a lot of kids. I did twist one boy's wrist and made him squeal because he kept kicking me in the ass. Luckily, no one got that on tape. I fell down once and another time, the helmet-thing inside his head broke I could no longer see out the eye holes and was totally blind. I was high as hell and it was actually pretty fucking funny. I was laughing like crazy in that broken head.
I thought I told you never to speak to me with that thing down... How do I know you're not making faces at me under that thing?!? Seriously, though - I thought Burger King had gone the way of Oldsmobile... Hadn't seen one in years until a few months ago.