And she's cool. I got her from the Humane Society and she was all wormy and kennel coughy, but she's getting better. I'm too lazy to upload a pic right now, but she's purdy.
Oh, and I started my period today too after 8 months and it's really bloody and I have cramps. I'm too lazy to take a picture of that right now too.
That's odd! I always imagined you as becoming a crazy old spinster who lived with hundreds of cats, not dogs.
I'm guessing she got a doberman mix. If she didn't she shoould have cause the doberman is a cool dog for a chick. Don't know what type of dog I'll get next. My mastiff was pretty cool in a laid back kind of way. Sometimes they use there size and they don't really get scared off very easy with other dogs but most of the time they are just laid back dogs. I remeber when I first got him and I was living at my parents house and he was about 4 and my mother was all pissed off and she was yelling at me about something and the mastiff jumped up on two feet and grabbed her arm. Didn't use his teeth but it kind of shows the type of dog they are. Most of them aren't biters they mostly just throw their size around.
Oh, pictures, yeah, fuck! I'm stoned. I'll get to it... The vet seemed to think she was some Australian Shepherd/Pit Bull or Boxer mix because she's brindle colored. I'm leaning more towards pit because her eye sockets remind me of one that I skull fucked, No... her eye sockets just make me think pit. That and her personality. She's sweet as hell and I've never met a mean pit bull. People can say what they want about them, I've had one in the past and I would have another.
A sooner is a dog that would SOONER crap in my yard than crap in it's own. Cute dog actually. I glad she got you. Barry
Looks down upon the dog with utter disgust, filthy mongrel. *mumbles to self, probably doesn't even have a pedigree*