Kaptain Skitzo Located

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by DangerousDan, Sep 11, 2005.

  1. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

    Bah. I don't care. I was an asshole, and I admitted to it. Big whoopdy-doo.

    Oh, about changing my sig........I don't know...I rather like it, although I do have other one liners I could use. If these forums had polls, maybe I'd put one up with several of them.
  2. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    I'm pretty sure this forum does have poles, though I have never used them myself. The problem with your signature (well just to graze the surface) is, for one, there are not millions of people who think about you or claim you are one thing or the other, or even know you for that matter. And it's very concieted, it just screams... "LOOK AT ME LOOK HOW DIFFERENT I AM!!!"
    It just seems to be trying to hard.
    Try a using someone elses quote. Or just something else all together. (Mine's a Mike Ness quote).

  3. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

    You have a very valid point. I should have probably used "Thousands"(that, I can pretty much speak for...I worked with the public for over 15 years.)
    Fair enough. You've actually given me enough reason to do it.
    I hope you all like the new one.
  4. smiles

    smiles New Member

    sup skitzo...... i kinda missed u man.... in a very heterosexual strictly hyper-masculine way
  5. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    Uhhh don't mean to be anal Mr. Shitz, but I think it's spelled "promised". Might wanna fix that one.
  6. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    God, I'm finding myself actually liking the new and improved Skitzo, then again i just finished a short night of bartending on a mon evening and find myself happy and buzzed.

    Cheers Skitzo!
  7. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

    Ok, I fixed it...I was a bit on the "fucked up" side last night. lol.

    Cheers back atcha Schmed!
  8. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

    For those interested, yes...."Random Thoughts From A Diseased Mind" will be published. It's in the begining stages of it, but I'll post more when it's closer to the release date.
  9. dingleberry

    dingleberry New Member

    Has anyone presumed the possibility that skitzo didnt go to octoberfest and has actually been abducted by aliens, anally probed and been implanted with a memory chip to help them understand how to overtake our "cilvilzation". I mean what true cinical asshole wants to turn his attitude around, he is here to sabotage us. It just doesn't make sense.
  10. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    You know as much as I hate him he is right on the asshole front.
  11. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

    You've never been to Germany. Don't misunderstand....I can still be a rat-bastard when I want/need to be. If you should happen to be in my path during my daily commute to work, you'll learn this real fast. I have absolutely no problem passing you, cutting you off, and slamming on the brakes, just to watch you panic.
  12. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Fuck I do that going to get the mail.
  13. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

    ^^^ I question that...I doubt you know anyone who can write.
  14. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    You do know things like bills come in the mail.
  15. dingleberry

    dingleberry New Member

    What makes you assume i've never been to germany shit head? Only cool people like you can go? Iv'e been many times, i go to europe almost every year. And also i piss off at least 5-6 people a day with my driving habits and i dont consider myself a "rat-bastard", wtf is wrong with you that has nothing to do with being a rat bastard. Your just want someone to buy your book.
  16. smiles

    smiles New Member

    heh the man doesn't even try to deny it
  17. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Well I mean who the hell uses Snail mail to talk to anyone anymore?
  18. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

    Only 5 or 6? Sorry, you don't qualify for "Rat Bastard" status until you can piss off at least 25 people per commute. Try harder.
    As for you going to Europe....that's probably another reason why American's are hated over there. You probably take your "I'm an American, and I'm better than you because of it" attitude with you. That kinda shit isn't viewed with kindness over there. I saw several examples of that while I was there, and I almost exploded on one set of those idiots. Although, for the record, I did meet some Americans there who didn't have that attitude. The "natives" were surprised to learn that we were Americans.
  19. dingleberry

    dingleberry New Member

    Actually I'm first generation over here and speak two languages, so when im over there i blend in quite nicely. You on the other hand prolly go over there with that I'm michael moore, or whatever the fuck that assholes name is, attitude, thinking i'm so smart because im better than all the retards that im close with back home. So as a matter of fact you can eat my shit and tell me it tastes good. Try it with some coffee too, the last asshole said it went down better that way.
  20. KaptainSkitzo

    KaptainSkitzo New Member

    Do you monitor this 24/7 waiting for my reply? :roll:

    Anyway...congrats on speaking two languages. What is the other one? Which country did your parents come from? My fiance' is a native German, and I can trace my roots back a few generations to Germany.
    You've got me curious now.
    Oh, yeah, I'm not sure what you mean with the Michael Moore reference... that could be interpretted several ways. When I was there, I treated everyone(and everywhere) with respect and decency. The people were very friendly, and very helpful. I didn't need any attitude over there. I was pleasently surprised.

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