It is pretty funny shit and the cover of Baby got back is gold. Direct Link to BGB
Wow. That's amazing. How completely original. I don't think anyone has every thought to do something like that before.
I think you should spend more time on those other sites. They're just like this one anyway. The first two would probably welcome you but Newgrounds would probably only tolerate you for about 10 minutes. Why do you continue to stick around here when literally everyone wants you to leave?
Thanks, Don't you love when someone speaks for everyone else? I have behaved why its been some time since I have muttered the word nigger. Oh well Its ok you are stuck with me for the time being. Its not a bad thing really. After all you all need a commen purpose besides the monkey spank circles on sundays. And if hating me does it for you go ahead.
I mean, i still think you're a dick. But what a smug, cliquey dump this would be if only the 'cool', 'in-crowd' posted here.
Uhh...well, don't get a messiah complex or anything , but i do think "fugly would be 'smugly' without dicks". :idea: