Please be advised that this messageboard will be shut down in 2 days. All usernames and posts will be transferred to http://.com If you wish to continue your service please log on to http://.com and donate $2.00 for the server transfer. Fugly
well it was good while it lasted.... thank you for all the depravity mr fugly ... the rest of you too.... you've made many a boring moment amuuusing
What and stop all the good work that is being done for people here? Where else are these fuckwits gonna git told what is wrong with them? Don't turn your back on this, God is working through you here.
Yeah I see now, Yeah I would give the 2 bucks, But fuck nutt would just bann me. Bad move the site over there is shit.
All he did was replace the lowercase letter L with a PIPE | Somebody PLEASE get this guy a loaded gun to play with? He must be really bored and have far too much time on his hands.
uh yeah? Tell me am I suppose to get pissed off or something? The simple fact is I still get more pussy then you.
We've been HAD! Call in the recruits, the Reserves, the "Peace" Corp! The Zombies have reached shore and nothing is sacred! This looks like a job for SUPER CONSPIRATIST! I feel so dirty! Please, someone draw me a warm milkbath.
It makes me sad to see you two in a tiff. Two people so predestined for each other shouldn't argue over petty things. So put down the dachsund and kiss and make up.