Friday night, my house. After eating fresh Grouper and Red Snapper you will consider Tilapai and Catfish "trash fish". Most people who order Grouper and Snapper in a resturant do not get real Gag Grouper or Red Snapper. They are served one of the more common groupers or vermillion or mangrove snapper, whicah are inferior in quality. Gags and Reds are the real deal, and are hard to find outside of a Gulf Coast fish market. Nothing else comes close. Bring some Amish butter and garlic and I will grill some Shrimp for desert. Barry
Damn, if I didn't already have plans, got a concert to attend. To be honest I don't know if I have ever had Grouper or snapper, being a Texas boy I was raised on: Catfish, Crappie, Bass, and the very rare trout. I just recently, like in the past 5 years, started to branch out and try the other varieties. My wife didn't like fish unless it was fried, until I forced her to try Grilled tuna, tilapia, and Orabge Roughy. Now she can't get enough.
I don't know how well we would get along, but if you ever come through OKC I will make you some badass fish tacos. I learned from my Step-father, would learned from a Mexican street vendor in San Diego years ago. Also, if you just gotta have some On The Border has some pretty good beer battered fish tacos, make sure you use the lime they give ya.
I miss this little taco stand in Ventura that used to make the most awesome carne asada and fish tacos. And I think I'm going to go fishin tomorrow if I can leave the house..I know a great spot to grab some crappie, and maybe some catfish if i'm lucky.
All this fish talk made me want Chilean Sea Bass, but alas the Eastern Market had none so I Jerked some Catfish on the grill....and I took a shit in Dwaines Doc Martins.
It was a less than wonderful trip, but not a total loss. We did get one small Tuna and a bunch of snapper. Only one Grouper, which was disappointing. The weather was rough. This one kid (about 13 years old) and his redneck Pop was a scream. He came dressed in long jeans and cowboy boots, and started puking before we cleared the jetties. His dad was dressed the same way, and he was drinking Budweisers before daylight. He got sick, and then hot, so he stripped down to just boxer shorts and boots. I have never seen anything so funny. Sorry, no pictures. My digital camera has died from salt water poisoning. I would have paid anything for a picture of the drunk redneck. Barry
Can I trade it for some Snapper? (I think I just made myself blush, but it was too funny a line to pass up) Barry