Yahoo Messenger Hijinx!

Discussion in 'General Mayhem' started by TheGrimJesus, Oct 6, 2005.

  1. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Yes I'm bored.

    thejebus2000 (10/6/2005 6:21:23 PM): you look like you need a good butt fucking lol
    opticallusion13 (10/6/2005 6:21:31 PM): O.O
    thejebus2000 (10/6/2005 6:21:43 PM): you might smile then
    opticallusion13 (10/6/2005 6:21:53 PM): who the hell are you?
    thejebus2000 (10/6/2005 6:22:04 PM): I'm some dude from hot springs
    opticallusion13 (10/6/2005 6:22:35 PM): well dude from hot springs, what the hell gives you the right to pop up on my messenger with a message like that?
    thejebus2000 (10/6/2005 6:22:59 PM): uh well this is the internet its a great thing cause you can say whatever the fuck you want
    thejebus2000 (10/6/2005 6:23:39 PM): Like for Exp.
    thejebus2000 (10/6/2005 6:24:12 PM): I would like to put your nipples in a vice while you hum a tune and I spank you on the ass with a limp noodle
    opticallusion13 (10/6/2005 6:25:55 PM): wow, dude from hot springs, you have a serious problem. See, you may be able to say whatever the fuck you want, but I have the right and ability to block your retarded and pathetic ass. BTW, i'm sure that poor excuse for a dick couldn't handle me.
    thejebus2000 (10/6/2005 6:27:14 PM): I mean your just some randome internet fatty.

    thejebus2000 (10/6/2005 6:33:12 PM): please tell me that dude in the pic with you is your brother or something
    melissa_canada25 (10/6/2005 6:33:29 PM): what?
    thejebus2000 (10/6/2005 6:33:47 PM): on your profile the dude in the pic with you thats like your brother or something right
    melissa_canada25 (10/6/2005 6:34:28 PM): on my profile?
    thejebus2000 (10/6/2005 6:34:37 PM): yes
    melissa_canada25 (10/6/2005 6:34:42 PM): lemme go check i haven't updated it in forever
    melissa_canada25 (10/6/2005 6:34:45 PM): and why anyway?>
    thejebus2000 (10/6/2005 6:35:06 PM): well cause if thats your b/f you can do allot better he looks like a jobless fuck'
    melissa_canada25 (10/6/2005 6:35:19 PM): so
    melissa_canada25 (10/6/2005 6:35:21 PM): who is this?
    thejebus2000 (10/6/2005 6:35:41 PM): just someone sitting around cruising profiles for shits and giggles
    melissa_canada25 (10/6/2005 6:36:07 PM): okay, cause no that's not my brother
    melissa_canada25 (10/6/2005 6:36:15 PM): that is my ol man
    melissa_canada25 (10/6/2005 6:36:20 PM): thankyou very much
    melissa_canada25 (10/6/2005 6:36:26 PM): and he isn't a jobless fuck
    thejebus2000 (10/6/2005 6:36:41 PM): lol he's not that old he looks like a 12 year old boy
    melissa_canada25 (10/6/2005 6:36:58 PM): he's probably older than you
    thejebus2000 (10/6/2005 6:37:04 PM): or a butch lesiban
    thejebus2000 (10/6/2005 6:37:12 PM): I doubt he is what is he 19
    thejebus2000 (10/6/2005 6:37:15 PM): 20 tops
    melissa_canada25 (10/6/2005 6:37:21 PM): okay
    thejebus2000 (10/6/2005 6:37:33 PM): I mean I'm 29 so
    melissa_canada25 (10/6/2005 6:37:41 PM): ah
    thejebus2000 (10/6/2005 6:37:41 PM): I doubt he is even close to my age
    melissa_canada25 (10/6/2005 6:37:49 PM): no close no
    thejebus2000 (10/6/2005 6:38:35 PM): just your a pretty chic and he lol looks like trash or course not much to choice from in Benton
    thejebus2000 (10/6/2005 6:38:51 PM): wanna be drug dealers or rednecks
    melissa_canada25 (10/6/2005 6:39:55 PM): i wouldn't really know, i'm not from here, we actually met in hot springs and then moved here. and believe me, he is way more educated and way more ambicious than drug dealers or rednecks.
    thejebus2000 (10/6/2005 6:40:12 PM): you can do better
    melissa_canada25 (10/6/2005 6:40:18 PM): okay
    melissa_canada25 (10/6/2005 6:40:34 PM): thanks for the opinion
    thejebus2000 (10/6/2005 6:41:00 PM): lol its a fact, Why would anyone want to date a dude that looks like a 12 year old butch lesiban?
    melissa_canada25 (10/6/2005 6:42:10 PM): maybe because the person dating them are a cross between a pedifile and a want to be lesbian
    thejebus2000 (10/6/2005 6:42:41 PM): really you like them young? let me guess your in school to become a teacher lol
    melissa_canada25 (10/6/2005 6:42:53 PM): not even close
    thejebus2000 (10/6/2005 6:43:12 PM): ok cna?
    melissa_canada25 (10/6/2005 6:43:51 PM): ok
    thejebus2000 (10/6/2005 6:44:10 PM): ok what your a butt wiper?
  2. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Maybe you can use all that talent to look for a job.

    Cell Warrior.

  3. Ministersf

    Ministersf New Member

    Fuck! A JOB! I knew I forgot to do something this week...
  4. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Yeah I doubt I will be looking for a job anytime soon.
  5. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member



  6. TheGrimJesus

    TheGrimJesus New Member

    Don't scare the poor people.
  7. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Oh now I remember why we stopped doing victims... we got tired of reading crap like that emailed to us everyday
  8. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    Was pretty limp, wasn't it?
  9. Ferine

    Ferine New Member

    I hope you make lots of money if those are the types of girls you like...
  10. canine_STD

    canine_STD New Member

    But that was nowhere near as good as his telephone conversation. That still cracks me up.
  11. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    You thought it was funny? I thought it was extremely sad.
  12. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    I think are goodfriend and working pirate canine was using sarcasm
  13. canine_STD

    canine_STD New Member

    Well spotted Dwaine.
    Reiz, shame on you! :(
  14. Reizvolles

    Reizvolles Active Member

    Well, I just never know where I stand with you! One minute you want to stick it in my ass, then the next minute you want to stick it in my mouth! :? :(
  15. canine_STD

    canine_STD New Member

    Well... both, obviously!

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