Ou football isn't that great this season, but damn A bit far don't ya think. Barry would you strap a bomb on ya if The Tide started like OU has??
My beloved Elephants have been pretty pathetic the past few years, and I have walked out at half time on several occasions. I never considered a bomb, however. I am suspicous that this was really a failed terrorist act. The fact that police found more explosives is chilling. We'll see. Barry
Jeez I hope not, I was hoping more along the lines of not all of it exploded the first time. If it was a terrorist strike he was no where near the stadium when it happened, I will try to find a map for you guys.
HAHA, it was an assassination attempt people, visit the cold sober forum and see my hurricane rita, it's been nice knowing you guys for the scoop. or maybe it's earthquake!
Speaking of the Tide - did you guys see Prothro's leg snap in half? They did a replay and you could see it just snap and then dangle when his legs went in the air. I limped all day.
Thing that concerns me more than anything else about this is the immediate news, and how quickly things managed to change, and how rapidly there is a 'spin' being put on it. thank god they found that poor kid with a pipe they can chalk it all up to college hijinks, right? Cus lord knows there would never be a terrorist attack in the US at a very populated game..
I am so sad for Prothro. He is a really nice young man, and the injury could end his career. He came from a poor family near Birmingham, and he had a real shot at pro ball. I just feel so bad for him. It seems so unfair. Our local newspaper proved once again what idiots they are by running a half page color picture of Prothro's leg sticking out at a 90 degree angle. The media amazes me. Barry
They're putting the spin because it was an assassination attempt, and they don't want too much attention focused on it. If this were one of the state-sanctioned terrorist events, it would be all over the news and the headlines, and people would be talking about in grocery stores and shit. I'm surprised how many people don't know about it. And yeah, they'll probably say it was some punk kid fucking around. Perfect story for not drawing attention, "Just another dumb American blowing himself up...move along..."
Shut the fuck up Dirty Sanchez... Do you even own a greencard? Why not make your way back to your beloved Mexico?
Yeah, I was a little shocked they did a replay of the incident, but you could tell that it was probably a mistake that they did. It cut out real quick to commercial. I don't watch as often as I did when I lived in Alabama robman, just happened to be watching it then...
Dwaine Scum biotch, I'm half Mexican half White. Your blood runs though my veins and it angers you. I'm better than you as well, more genetically diverse. mmMMmm boy, super race coming through.
half honkey half beaner? does that mean you only steal sensible bargans?i guess that would be half heeb, half latrine-o... speaking of diverse culture...