The National Weather Service has just issued a rare "Special Tropical Disturbance Statement." (click link above) This is very unsettling news for those of us who have already endured the ravages of Dennis, Katrina, and Rita this year. Recon Planes were dispatched to investigate this "Disturbance" and they reported the ominous fact that this "Disturbance" is unorganizedand has not yet developed into a tropical depression. To make this even more chilling, and I quote, "THERE IS NO THUNDERSTORM ACTIVITY COLLOCATED WITH THE AREA OF LOWEST PRESSURE" It is clear to me that this is not a normal occurance in the region for this time of year. Undoubtedly, we are witnessing the birth of a new "Super COLLOCATED Storm". It is even more obvious that these "RECONNAISSANCE AIRCRAFT" they keep sending are actually seeding the area and are purposely stirring this monster into life. I can't believe that this is happening. I really though America was a good country. What should we do to end this madness? Barry
I hate to lay blaime where blane is do, but you assured me, you could operate the weathertron 2000, so whats your excuse this time?
I offer no excuse other than this - I have been EVIL since my youth. My mind is clouded by endless hours of classroom and Sunday School indoctrination. I have at last blown the thin veil between logic and proportion, and the EVIL side of me has re-emerged. This Hurricane is going straight to Nantucket. I am tired of all the filthy rhymes, so it must cease to exist. I AM EVIL! MUHAHAHAHAH! MUHAAAAAAA! (coughs until I pass out) Barry
CORRECTION: Leave them all there so they can loot and riot their way into oblivion whist we chuckle. The South will rise again!!!!!