I know some of you guys must wear Dr. Martens, so I have a question for those who do. I just bought a pair of Steel toe slip-ons for work and they are nice, but a bitch to break in. Does anybody know of a good way ,besides just taking the pain, to get them a little more comfortable? I was told by someone at work to wear them in a tub of hot water for ten minutes, but that sounds kinda strange and the guy who said that is an old burnout as well. Any help will be appreciated. p.s. I googled it and that was no help. People only use the net for porn and fetishes, go figure all I found was forums for people with boot fetishes.
In the past when I've gotten new combat boots I've just gone walking thru muddle puddles and then leave them on wet tlill they dry, that should break em in nicely. But with Docs, they mighyt not handle the water as well either, so I'm not sure. So in short, I'm of no help at all.
I used to have a couple pairs of Docs before I quit buying leather 10+ years ago and I don't ever remember them being anything but comfortable. But I found this on a message board: Well mate I've been wearing Doc's of all models for years even when they were not so fashionable (over here anyway) they are a bitch to breakin I used to get blisters and all even resorted to bashing the back heel with a hammer to soften the leather it helped some if your curious but the best thing to do is put a sock in olive oil or something like that put adry sock over that then wear around the house till broke in then my friend you got yourself without doubt the most comfortable boot on the planet.
Well I very nearly crippled myself with a pair that refused to break in. No matter what I tried (hammer, vasolene) they would wear through the skin on the back of my heel and blister.
wear them one week, no socks, sleep in the fuckers, they will give you ungodly blisters... but then they are perfectly moulded to your feet
Thanks all, I actually found both those sites Pimp and Nauseous found, but since they both were talking about laces ups I didn't know if it would work. I guess I will go with Dwaines idea and wear the fuck out of them. I actually was thinking about wearing thin black socks, the heels fit comfortably, its in the top inside of my foot that it is rubbing like crazy. I don't know what bone it is but I think mine sticks up more than it should. Maybe I should take pics of it for DR. Dan.
I know it hurts like hell, but juts for 7 days, then after that its kike they mold perfect to your feet, the internal leather will make a impression, of your foot they will literally fit like a glove...
I once had a pair and wore them for 6 months while I waited tables in Seattle...I wore those fuckers for 10 hours a day, running my tush off and they always killed me...everyone told me they'd wear in but frankly, it was bullshit. I eventually had to throw the bastards away and got me some high tops.
I don't know what you guys are talking about. I never had any problem with them. Besides chucks, those are the most comfortable shoes ever.
The shoes are, yeah. But the boots, as refered to in the title of this thread, would be too cruel a punishment for child murderers.
Chucks are the most comfortable shoes ever. I had a pair of Airwalks once. I ended up throwing them away. They were the worst pair of shoes ever. They rubbed my heels so bad that I would end up wearing them like flip-flops. I hated those fucking shoes. I think I took a knife to them. :twisted: