so this is where people come 2 be try hard politically incorrects? do i need 2 add something at the end of this thread like i hate niggers?
No, just type something like: "dangerous dan I HATE YOU. GO SHUV URE MEDICAL DEGREE UP YOUR LOOSE PRISON C*@K FILLED ANUS!!!!!. L - L -L - L - LOOOOOOOSERRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IF I HAVE A PROBLEM I LET MY OWN DOCTOR CHEK ME AND MOLEST ME, DONT NEED URE FAGGOTTY EXAMINING ASS TO DO IT" this thread, and you should blend right in with the urine stained mattress in the corner.
mmm thas aimed at 1 person retard. dusnt mean i go out of my way to make outrageously disgusting and un p.c remarks. i just have a bit of anger bottled up is all . n freaks like you are ideal. i love 2 hate ppl who hate