I saw a black guy with a fat Mexican chic today. I was wondering what there kids would smell like. Since black people smell of Chicken Greese most of time and a Mexicans Smell is a cross between Refried Beans and wet saw dust. What would be the clostest thing they would smell like.
Taking a wild guess i'd say something like your mother. geta hobby. Take a fuckin walk...get some friends...anything . i can only hope that you dont breed you welt head.
Oh go fuck yourself clown shoes, Like no one has ever said get a hobbie or get a life on the fucking net. You might as well pack your shit now cause we will eat you alive light weight.
.... you know what i meant... don't feel embarassed just because u feel like you belong with "us" or that "we" like you and think you're super duper 1337 kewl
Yeah umm well I don't do that leet speak as you call it. And anyway who the fuck are you. Smiles the only thing you got to smile about is the fact your sister has not brought home that nigger baby she stole from K-mart the other night yet. You stupid fuck you.
awwww grimmy.... don;t get all defensive on me again... we all know what a lean mean world hating machine you are... no need to prove it over and over again.... i mean sure SOME people might say you're overdoing it.... maybe even OVERCOMPENSATING....
Well lets see - Grimmy makes homosexual references, uses crude language, posts lewd graphics, insults religion, blasphemes the holy ghost, exaggerates his penis size, bashes minorities, and relies heavily on excrement and bowel functions to make his point. Sounds like a "we" to me. Barry
C'mon Barry, you know some of "us" better than that....also sign onto your AOL account sometime, I'd love to catch up!