What if Hurricane Katrina was not the result of global warming, or an elitist plot, or the apocolypse, and was really just God being sick of the depravity of the cess pool of the South??????? http://www.southerndecadence.com/ You know what? I DON'T believe that. But it makes about as much sense as the rest of the conspiracy crap I see posted everywhere. Why can't a hurricane just be a naturally occurring weather event with tragic consequences for those who failed to plan for the inevitable? Why must there be some sinister REASON that it happened? I am sick of the religious zealots, conspiracy freaks, and superstitous morons. Sometimes bad things happen. Get busy and help people and go on with life. Barry
Me I look at it as Shit Happens. Just like the fires in the Windy City. Shit happens. Fucking weather happens. So if anything should come of this Bush should be taken into public and floged. Along with the 1.6 mil A-holes who decided to live 12 foot under sea level next to a lake on the coast where shit happens and wonder why there city was destroyed. IT WAS BOUND TO HAPPEN!
The levees were built to withstand a category 3 hurricane. Katrina was a 5. They could have built levees to withstand a level 5 but the army core of enigneers guy in charge made the decision that it was too expensive. I think the number was 3 or 4 billion. Bush has already pledged 60 billion and more is on the way for the states in the south.
Well I look at it this way, If the scale goes to 5 then you build to withstand twice that it only makes since. But it is the USA.
thats the crazy thing about that storm, it went over florida and was barly a cat 1, then within 20 hours was a cat 5... I have lived through a cat 4 before, its really no walk inthe park
It needs to be a conspiracy for the same reason everything else is. You've probably noticed that there's a lot of "end of the world" talk going on lately. Mayhap you've already been up at three in the morning and seen the ultra Christian infomercial where they point out that more people are researching the End of Days than ever before. Well, there's a reason for that. You see, most of us on this site live in the United States (It's great here. You'd love it). The United States has been the most powerful country in the world for almost the entire length of living memory. Now, we're slipping from the top... mostly due to the douche-bags that post here. GET A FUCKING JOB, JACKASS! AND NOT AT STARBUCKS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. Anyway, it's my opinion that people are looking to personify our own recent fall from grace in Divine Retribution, rather than in the fact that PEOPLE ARE BUYING SHIT FROM CHINA JUST TO SAVE A COUPLE OF BUCKS WHEN THEY SHOULD BE SUPPORTING THEIR OWN FUCKING ECONOMY. THEY PAY PEOPLE IN FRUIT RHIND OVER THERE! YOUR SUPPORTING SLAVERY AND PUTTING PEOPLE OUT OF WORK! SON OF A BITCH! GET YOUR HEADS OUT OF YOUR ASSES! Anywho, I think that this "victim mentality" that we've chosen to cling to rather than face our overt laziness and greed has begun to seep into all aspects of our misfortune. It's gotten to the point that we can't even have a natural disaster without thinking that someone is out to get us. It's important to note, however, that Katrina was a terrible event, and I hope everyone is doing their best to help people out. By the way, SEND EMERGENCY PRODUCTS MADE IN AMERICA, YOU DUMBASS!