Katrina, New Orleans and The blame game

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by mudslinger, Sep 7, 2005.

  1. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator


    Under normal circumstances. However, "the President of the United States can waive this law in an emergency."

    From Wickipedia:

    Posse Comitatus Act :

    To Fugly,

    I was referring to the neocon's agenda (which i believe includes turning the U.S. into a corporate-military dictatorship) in my initial post, which is why diogenes mentioned the PNAC agenda. )"A large number of its (PNAC's) ideas and its members are associated with the neoconservative movement."

    (And just to clarify what my original post in this thread was about...)
    I just find it suspicious that the very people who i knew would find one reason or another to declare martial law and who i believe will eventually turn the whole of the U.S. into a military dictatorship (the neocons), have, lo and behold, had the most unusual circumstances arise (victims of a disaster attacking rescuers!?) which just so happens to result in the next part of that scenario being realised. As i said before, this looks like the thin end of the wedge and makes me very uneasy. Some people have suggested that this could be a test run to see how the military etc responds.

    You might be surprised at how little trust i have (none whatsoever) for the brutes and criminals who have destroyed the 'Cradle of Civilisation' (as i sadly, correctly predicted would happen the very day George Bush took power). I'm surprised at how much you do trust them.
  2. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Tell it Nursey! Tell it. I don't know why everyone is giving the FEMA director crap. He did his job perfectly, and paved the way for the sustained devastation of the city. And when you ask us "Why would the government do that? That costs money blah blah it does no one any good." Well I think that George Washington said it best when he stated that "Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master."

    Let's see what this fearful master does next.
  3. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    I'm not saying this is a conspiracy or anything, they simply have there agenda, and it's by no means hidden. Call it what you want, but the PNAC has been doing this for a while. As far as my other comments, no one is going to care. The administration somehow manages to come out of everything smelling like a rose. I agree that it is not the federal governments job to handle disasters in Louisiana, and it's not the media that is calling for any kind of accountability, it's congress, and that's all politics. they can't see the forest for the trees. Why isn't anyone in Louisiana demanding accountability from the local and state government. I live in California, I don't want my representatives sending my money in taxes to make sure that local and state governments somewhere else get there mandates paid for by the federal government, there's too much pork barrel spending going on as is.
  4. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    I also had not gone to the PNAC sight in a while, and did make a mistake, that was an old link. For those looking for work in the church, I hooked you up with that link.
  5. soylent_greenspan

    soylent_greenspan New Member

    well, most here would probably label me a neocon, but i dont have an agenda. it looks like someone isnt inviting me to the meetings.

    as far as the conspiracy babble goes, while i do believe that the degeneration of all forms of govermnent into a one world dictatorship is inevitable, i dont believe it is necessarily planned. as people realize in a democracy they can become suck-teats on the federal largesse and vote to make the government a giant sugar daddy, the collapse of personal responsibility and freedom on a global scale is predetermined.

    for those who think it's all the neocons' and bush's fault, benjamin franklin warned of it about 230 years ago, so you are a little behind the curve. for those of you who believe it was preordained in the book of revalation, you are about 2000 years behind.

    my advice is buy gold, ammo, and a cabin in the woods, then learn how to make beer and watch the world go to shit on satellite.

  6. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    democracy leads to oligarchy, plato was right. You get a powerful few who hold the reins and everyone else fallls in line. The government isn't held accountable for what it does because only half of the population bothers to vote, and that's the half that has means and wants to keep those means. And christians apparently. I don't remember God being so political, but I guess I read the wrong version of the bible. I don't think the whole world is going to shit though. What evidence do you have to support that statement? I'm interested to hear it, I am a cynic after all.
  7. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

  8. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Okie doke people. A few days ago I made a post in this thread about Operation Ophelia that got immediately smacked down. Well actually seeing this beast in motion should make you think twice. Ophelia

    Notice how Ophelia gets weaker, and bam, just south that system explodes out of nowhere. Ophelia is nestled in a conveyor belt that's pumping moisture into the system. What I think is crazy is how it appears that the wind activity in North America seems to be screeching to a halt, preventing this hurricane from blowing away. You can see the regular Arctic windstream blowing the upper lip. NOAA has since removed the original GIF I was going to post, which lets the clouds of the region show the wind movements in the tropical Atlantic, but has arrows showing the direction of wind movements over land in the US. Arrows that go everywhere showing me that indeed, the wind is going crazy.

    Not even do we need our scientists reports as just our observance of our own weather systems gone insane should provide enough warning to us. But in madness turned into farce, at the exact point in our history where we need vital and accurate weather information, we are allowing our Military Leaders to actually censor the weather information we are able to receive, and as we can read as originally reported by the Sun-Gazette News Service (but which article has since been censored but not before being posted on www.bloginservice.com by someone who saw it coming) in their article titled "Santorum curiously moves to legislate weather info" and which says;

    "A bill in Washington D.C. would restrict what information the National Weather Service provides to the public. Under the proposed legislation, the service would be allowed to offer particular types of services only if the private sector does not offer them."

    Now how are hurricanes made? Not by warm water. If you understand the simple law of conservation of energy, just by looking at the amount of energy in a hurricane you should know that it far exceeds that of the heat loss in the water below it. So what really causes one? Well take a look at a diagram CNN had on their website trying to explain the warm water theory, as it also fits mine.
    Right below the big red letters of Weather it has "how hurricanes form" on the second page, it has a diagram with the warm water vapor blah blah. Well does anyone remember back to science class, how an electric current has an electromagnetic field around it that spins around it? Well that's what the eye of the hurricane is, and thanks to the Coriolis Effect, it causes the charged water molecules to spin with it. Why do hurricanes form over the ocean? Salt water and vapor make a great conductor between the land beneath the ocean and the ionosphere above.

    Of course seismic forces also contribute to the formation of these spinning electric vaccumes as well as storm activity, and can cause the land equivalent called a tornado. So where is all this energy coming from? The center of the earth. How does it get there? A report by the United States Space Agency NASA titled "Scientists Confirm Earth's Energy Is Out of Balance" explains and which says,

    "Scientists have concluded more energy is being absorbed from the sun than is emitted back to space, throwing the Earth's energy "out of balance" and warming the globe. Scientists from NASA, Columbia University, New York, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, Calif. used satellites, data from buoys and computer models to study the Earth's oceans. They confirmed the energy imbalance by using precise measurements of increasing ocean heat content over the past 10 years."

    The Harvard University's Dr. Bridget Samuels in her research report titled www.harvardsciencereview.org/Issues/pdfswinter2003/samuels51-53.pdf+Nikolai+Tarasov+&hl=en]“Quake Science: Advances in Earthquake Prediction”[/url], has said about a Dr. Tarasovre's research,

    "Nikolai Tarasovre-analyzed the available data from these tests in 1993 and discovered a striking correlation between the induced charges and the earthquakes that followed. About two thirds of the electromagnetic pulses were followed by earthquakes, some releasing up to a million times as much energy as had been applied during the preceding experiment. This may be because the electricity heated the groundwater and thus increased its pressure, triggering instability (as is known to have occurred in the Rocky Mountain waste disposal site during the 1960’s), or it may be explain-able by the piezoelectric effect..."

    As we all know, or should know, we're sitting on one big cold, old, very hard plate. The absence of powerful earthquakes is not a good sign, but rather an indication that very little of the pressures presently building on it are being released. There is so much activity going on this year with Yellowstone, cracks in texas opening, bulges in Oregon inflating, Mt. St. Helens smoking, the fact that we have so many damn electrically driven tornadoes, among so many other signs it's awesome. Check out my climate collapse thread as well. The fact that seismic activity in a region increases with the arrival of powerful storms has to give one pause, so that they can reflect on the recent hurricane forces that are being manipulated to attack our land.

    In May our Military Leaders enacted the most draconian National ID Laws in the world, and instead of Americans themselves protesting about the complete loss of our freedoms the Mexicans are doing it for us, and as we can read as reported by the Associated Press News Service in their article titled "Mexico Says It Will Protest New U.S. Laws" and which says;

    "President Vicente Fox said Thursday his government will formally protest recent U.S. immigration reforms, including the decision to extend walls along the border and make it harder for illegal migrants to get driver's licenses. Fox didn't give details of Mexico's plan, but officials in his administration have raised the possibility of taking their case to the United Nations or other international organizations."

    But as many of the world's people know all too well, these barriers to movement of peoples are never meant to keep peoples out, but rather to keep them in, and as we can read from this report from the Washington Times News Service titled "Border Patrol told to stand down in Arizona", the Mexican President has nothing to really fear,

    "U.S. Border Patrol agents have been ordered not to arrest illegal aliens along the section of the Arizona border where protesters patrolled last month because an increase in apprehensions there would prove the effectiveness of Minuteman volunteers, The Washington Times has learned."

    In a future time, and when the history of our nation is being written, the greatest debate will undoubtedly be whether the history book will be a tragedy or a comedy. And for those who still don't know, stick around because you'll get to see real soon.
  9. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    About getting your potential news headlines from Bill O'Reilly, do you really trust him to make a "fair and balanced" judgement in terms of other media outlets. The Bush administration has been allowed to slide on a ridiculous amount of stuff (Jim Guckert, Valerie Plame, WMD, the link between Al Quaida and Sadam Hussein, Abu Ghraib, 9/11 intel failures, I could go on), and this is just one more example of their failure to get the job done. Trusting Bill O'Reilly for un-biased analysis is like asking your barber if you need a haircut. That being said, this was a failure from the bottom up. Louisiana was not capable of handling the problem on its own. That much is clear, and New Orleans was not capable of dealing with the problem on it's own. That's where the federal government should have stepped up. The reason I linked the PNAC into this is because these people are the group effectively running the country.

    The PNAC, which is chaired by Cheney, Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz, and a few choice others appoint like minded people to government positions, and these people, along with Karl Rove, are the ones who most influence Bush. Bush appointed Brown, who was woefully incompetent for the job of FEMA director. In the event of a major national emergency, for example a major pandemic in the capital, the director of FEMA would more or less be the one running the country, and do you really think Brown was capable of that. This man was put in place by the PNAC, and the PNAC doesn't want moderates in high government positions. So they appoint people based on political affiliation, not skill. I would never assume the government was involved in some kind of master plan, they can't organize well enough to wipe their own nose. Republicans control the house, the senate, and the executive, and they still can't push their agenda through because they can't stop fighting long enough to do anything.

    So as far as the what the PNAC has to do with who dropped the ball, the mayor of New Orleans dropped the ball by not using the resources he had available to him to evacuate the city, the governor of Louisiana dropped the ball by not using the resources he had to prevent the disaster or to evacuate the people of New Orleans, FEMA dropped the ball by not being ready to do the job they new years ahead of time they would need to do if a hurricane hit New Orleans, and the PNAC crowd and Bush failed by appointing someone who wasn't up to the job of being FEMA director.

    On top of all of that, the link pimpchichi posted, what does that have to do with anything, the fact that the president and v.p. we're presented with hurricane lamps by a private company has nothing to do with New Orleans, unless you know something you would like to share with us.

    Agree or disagree?
  10. Agent_Orange

    Agent_Orange New Member

    This week on National Enquirer

    Wow. What a derailed train this post has become.
    Flouride in the drinking water, Area 51, 911 conspiracy, Roswell, Y2K, and Atlantis is in my swimming pool aside; you notice how creatively ambiguous some of his resourcing is? his links are attached to 3rd party barnburning websites that have been "predicting the end of ages since 1972".
    Okay so the world is coming to an end--right? and its all because of some wacky weather phenomenon known as a continental dull region where the air isnt really doing anything, just sitting there. The reason your arrows were shooting off everywhere is cause thats what it looks like when everything remains stationary. Like a windsock during a calm wind.
    Secondly, I love how he sarcastically mentioned the government that we cant rely on to run the school down the street we cant rely on to win the war in Iraq, but we can rely on to create a global weather and earthquake machine (or network of machines) to control the ecosystem of an ENTIRE PLANET. Oh and dont forget the millions of manhours and networking required to keep a system like that operational. So who's doing it, the military?
    Nope, thered be a stream of bullcrap coming out of them a mile long trying to cover up thousands and thousands of personnel and supply trucks, planes, ships--whatever. Plus military jobs would require just about everyone to work 7 days a week stateside in about 12 hour shifts, just to keep something like that operational--Just like in Iraq right now, and thats not happening.

    Oh btw, there is no Ophelia Op. There'd be logistical support from troop movements all over the eastern US, so apparently you havent been watching that too closely either. The only thing going in or coming out is ISO (in support of) OIF, Sembach, Germany (our military hospital) and Arizona Deployments to train troops for the adverse conditions of the desert--thats it. Wheres the logistics?

    Additionally Ophelia "marking time" off the coast reduced its chances of making landfall by 50% over the past 24 hours. What sense does that make?
  11. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Unknown to the vast majority of you all is that the center for our Bio Weapons research programs is located in the City of New Orleans, and though an entity of the United States Government can be found in the buildings of Tulane University, and according to some reports came under attack by Special Forces Troops who removed all of the files and virus samples from the offices and laboratories of Dr. Susan McLellan, one of the United States Military top infectious disease specialists. To the affiliation of these Special Forces Troops, and to where the vital data and virus samples have gone it is not to our immediate knowledge, other than the introduction of thousands of US Military Forces into New Orleans have still failed to apprehend them.

    As to the abilities of any Independent Nation attacked by the Military Leaders of the United States being able to use weapons of such fearful powers as to even create and control the movements of hurricanes….even to direct them against specific cities for the purpose of attacking secret installations for the gathering of evidence, remains in the realm of science fiction some say. But in that same science fiction world where hurricanes become instruments of war, the Military Leaders of the United States should never forget that earthquakes can be more devastating than nuclear bombs.

    To the American peoples themselves, and who remain sleeping in their self imposed ignorance of both history and the brutal aims of our Military Leaders towards us, perhaps the catastrophic events of this past week will serve as a reminder to us all that we are not separated from the world by anything other than their own ignorance. As to our waking from our sleep into a world of nightmares or of peace they have made our choice, not for what we have done, but rather for what we have chosen not to do…..prepare.
  12. Agent_Orange

    Agent_Orange New Member

    The big one tiptoed in and stole the money off the dresser.

    Ok here we go again. Sketchy details about some covert op that may or may not have taken place. Evidence, names, places. We have the name of a doctor that doesnt turn up anywhere in existance, so either shes just as covered up as this special forces unit, or she doesnt exist. or MAYBE shes on the team. Oh sweet! Tell me smurf, how do you support the allegations you throw? Is there actual evidence listed somewhere, or is this fairy tale world of yours perpetuated by stilted suspicions and hurricane lamps?
    And you still havent responded about the whole Op. Ophelia post.
  13. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    People sense president's soulless sensibility

    Something very important is happening here -- something more than simply a hurricane, or the suffering of thousands who were neglected by their government during a time of great need. Most worldly occurrences reflect deeper truths. What is happening is a gigantic reckoning, as Americans are forced to come to terms with how very, very naked is the emperor who we thought had such incredible clothes.

    We are raised in the United States of America to believe our government is the strongest in the world, that as Americans we are basically protected, and that our country is basically good. It is cognitive dissonance for us to be confronted with evidence to the contrary, and yet such evidence has been piling up fast and furiously during this odd and potentially catastrophic phase of American history.

    There is nothing strong about rushing into a unilateral war based on faulty intelligence, squandering the resources necessary with which to take care of your own people; there is nothing protective about a government that apparently didn't monitor events on the ground in New Orleans any better -- in fact, less well -- than the average viewer of CNN; and there is nothing good about taking care of the rich at the expense of the poor.

    If it took a Category 5 hurricane and the huge suffering of thousands to bring those facts to light, then at least it can be said there is value in this horror. If enough Americans are beginning to wake up and face the awful fact that our country's basic functioning has become infected by a soulless sensibility, then perhaps the suffering on the Gulf Coast will not have been in vain.

    Regarding the abysmal response of our government to the hurricane's aftermath, there is a lot of talk right now about accountability. Some argue we should have the discussion today, while others argue that that discussion should wait for a more propitious time.

    But there is a danger in waiting, for a governmental status quo has talent for co-opting criticism as long as it can buy enough time. Passions cool; memories become revised and faded.

    Six months after a disaster, the government appoints an independent commission to find out what really happened but by the time the commission releases its final report, there is never much sense that too many people are listening. The people are exhausted by then; they're trying their best to move on.

    And the status quo knows this; that's part of its game. Do whatever you want; act horrified and remorseful for a minute whenever too much suffering results as a part of your actions; then put off the accountability conversation until people are too tired to care anymore.

    This is not a new pattern in America. What might be new -- what I sense might be happening -- is that people are waking up to it now. And as soon as we wake up, then the pattern will end.

    Abraham Lincoln said there is not too much evil any American government can perpetrate, as long as the people remain vigilant. He was referring to the fact that we have federal elections every two years, through which we can replace the entirety of the House of Representatives and one-third of the U.S. Senate.

    The ultimate accountability conversation is written into the U.S. Constitution; it is called elections. At this particular juncture, that means the mid-term elections of 2006.

    The president prides himself on running the government like a well-run business. That, of course, makes him the chief executive. And if the government failed, then he failed.

    Fool us once, and maybe their tricks were dirty; fool us twice, maybe their public relations was too good; fool us now, and perhaps we just deserve to be fooled. From war to hurricanes, oh, America, the alarm bells of needless human suffering are going off everywhere.

    A nation that refuses to wake up at this point is in a dangerous slumber. The nightmares are upon us now. They will remain until our eyes are opened and we have awakened to the truth.
  14. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Wow. Yeah, a doctor that doesn't exist except when you do a simple search of her on Yahoo, which reveals her specialty and work adress, being in New Orleans and at Tulane University. That shows me how much you're really trying to look into this, or rather how you simple-mindedly dismiss it as automatically false, as my post doesn't have all the bells and whistles you've been programmed to respond to. You're asking me to spend hours of my time revealing every single news article and research report I've read over a period of two years so you can understand the scientific principles behind these events when you won't even do a Yahoo search for someone's name? Yeah, right.

    And secondly, wow, how retarded Agent Orange. That's why you'd never run these operations. What would all these "logistical" troops be doing around the eastern US, standing around? You don't need troops to control the weather, and they're certainly not trying to control the ecosystems, they do a good job controlling themselves. As everybody knows, life is pretty damn resilient, so chances are we'll be able to make it through these fuck ups they're creating and they know it. It's about killing people, and killing them fast.

    And yes, we cant rely on our government to win a war in Iraq that they don't want to win in the first place. Who gives a fuck about American troops? All they'll do is protect us from these guys if shit hits the fan. So send them overseas, let the Israelis sell awesome new weapons to the insurgents, remember, Israel is not our friend. "Israel rejects U.S. request to arm Palestinian police" All they wanted to do was destabilize Iraq, and create civil war, which Iraq is on the brink of right now.

    And also, do you have any idea how to run an operation like this? You're spouting your uneducated mouth off like you know something, talking about supply trucks and logistical support from troops. You don't need to refuel a radio antennae tower when it's attached to a grid, and it sure doesn't need to eat. Maybe repairs every once in a while, which happen. You don't want to guard them, as they are many and that would draw attention. The entire operation was built around our present day policies and infrastructure. With GWEN towers, HAARP, our power grids, shitty diets and people that don't take care of themselves, foreign military placements, base closures, restructuring of our government and everything else

    And the troop movements have been placed all over the US, preparing to move in. That's why there's a major lack of military equipment in and around New Orleans. Example of some bullcrap? They moved in 22 ships of our fleet into the gulf for the stated purpose of relief to the Katrina victims. Ray Nagin was calling for the citizens of New Orleans to move back in to repair the city, he goes for dinner on one of these ships and speaks to the commander, comes back and says the city must be evacuated. Nice.

    And I'm not trying to bash on you Agent Orange, but please, you really don't have a realistic grasp on true strategy in today's world. Every empire realizes by now that the greatest threat to it is it's people. Anyone squeals about what's really going on, and it's game over for everyone. As well as those who really want to cry out and might have a chance to speak to a large audience, they are silenced or ridiculed. Alex Jones or the Chief Rabbi of Israel, anyone? Read about the Rabbi in my Real Gaza pullout thread and how his family was kidnapped days before he was to have an announcement about how the End Times are here. The real news articles are there.

    And as any good ninja knows, stealth above force. You won't see any massive military movements until it's almost over. I'm seeing those massive military movements, worlwide as well as here. The fleet, the foreign troops everywhere in strategic locations like our Air Bases, and special ops in New Orleans.
  15. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator


    For those who don't believe that the weather can be manipulated and used for warfare...

    The treaties which prohibit their use. Are they in the habit of banning figments of overactive imaginations?


  16. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Join the author's Miracle Matrix so that you too can "stop each day at 10 am your time (and if you miss that moment, just do it whenever!) and pray for peace on earth and happiness for all."


  17. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    It seems kind of low that you - who so strongly believes in prayer discredits a well written article on the current political situation because the author believes in prayer. Her spiritual beliefs aren't included in the article anyway, so what is your point exactly?
  18. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Is the U.S. Government in a habit of banning things that aren't there yet, I don't know, just take a look at our history. We've banned cloning, inspite of the fact that no one has tried or necessarily want's to clone people. What about the red scare, where they fought the communist insurgency that wasn't there. McCarthyism, Containment, the government has a long history of dealing with problems that are not there. WMD comes to mind, IVF was a big deal over nothing. So they may or may not be doing something, but the fact that governments are in an uproar with there panties in a bunch means nothing
  19. Agent_Orange

    Agent_Orange New Member

    Wait all those things really did happen and we were just to stupid to know about it. I mean didnt you see that movie the 6th day? i heard that was based on a true story rofl. Oh and my bad smurf, i googled it. I dont use yahoo that often. 2 years huh? i wonder how you ever had time to do anything else, when you found her address in 2 minutes.

    Contradictory? hmm...
  20. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator


    They banned human cloning in the U.S. when it became a reality that could definately be achieved, not when it was nothing but a twinkle in the eye of some mad scientist or 'conspiracy theorist'. And 'no one necessarily wants' to clone humans? One of the 'fastest-paced specialties in biomedical research'?

    'UK scientists clone human embryo'.

    We're talking about a signed, stamped treaty which specifically refers to and bans the use of weather control warfare ( as well as energy weapons for 'mood management' of the populace ) , and one which goes on to mention that:

    (IV) any other unacknowledged or as yet undeveloped means.

    ...are also covered by the treaty...which suggests that weather control weapons are 'acknowledged' or 'developed' seeing as they aren't covered by that category.

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