Katrina, New Orleans and The blame game

Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by mudslinger, Sep 7, 2005.

  1. mudslinger

    mudslinger Member

    Do you honeslty feel that FEMA or Bush or whoever you care to point the finger at intentionally ignored the warnings about the potential for this catastrophe and do think that they acted too late when disaster struck?

    What about the local government's responsibilities?

    What could anyone have done differently to lessen the impact of this storm?

    What else is there to consider?

  2. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    this is my personal opinion, but is there really anyway to "predict" when a cotasrophe like this may happen? Personally, I think the Federal goverment's response time was lackluster, as laughable (at not a laughable matter). But at the same time, you are a local with a helicocpter going to the superdome to help and some pissed off hungry person fires a few dozen rounds from and AK-47, what can you do? Its a really sad debacle on all sides. I hope we can learn and grow from this.
  3. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    WASHINGTON, Sept. 4 - Under the command of President Bush's two senior political advisers, the White House rolled out a plan this weekend to contain the political damage from the administration's response to Hurricane Katrina.

    says it all to me really :)
  4. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    You poor uninformed fool. Dwaine, you really don't realize that this shit was deliberate, do you? I have people on here telling me of course this was predicted, there was a weeks warning blah blah blah. And then there's people like you saying it wasn't predicted blah blah blah. Of course it was known, and of course they didn't want to do anything about it. The mayor of NO is afraid he's going to get "wiped out" by the CIA, the helicopters never showed up to sandbag, it's nearly impossible to offer any kind of aid because you'll either get turned down or not get a response at all. I mean, DAMN. I'm not asking you to believe the levees were blown which they were, but how many countries have to offer us aid and not get responded to, or abandoned people have to say "We've been abandoned!" for you to realize this? Oh well. Go ahead and believe it's these few people shooting that are hindering efforts. And where is all our military equipment to help these folk? Word has it that it's deployed all over the US, with Northcom troops ready to respond to an internal crisis should another cataclysmic event occur, which it will. I'm just glad it's all those foreign mercenaries taking charge, with more landing on our shores in the gulf to your applause no less I'm sure. And oo boy, all military leave canceled after the 7th, so all our troops can be concentrated into the few bases they have left and be either deployed overseas or blown skyhigh in some airstrikes as the new regime comes a-marchin in. I got a million hits of acid saved up, just so I can have an out of body experience and float over to where you are just to see the look on your stupid fat face when you realize what's really going on.
  5. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

  6. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    I just wanted to include a link to the entire article here:
  7. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    yes it was deliberate, we have a weather machine, that can create snow in Iraq if we wanted to. Do you really THINK before you write anything?Does the fillings in your teeth pick up CIA radio signals too ?
  8. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    Those who are immediate to bash on Sorcha Faal should know that much of what she says is indeed very accurate. Those who are also quick to point out that I'm crazy should also know that I joke around a lot. Sorcha Faal's writings usually read very much like a code, and should be interpreted as to what direction things are going instead instead of what directly is reported on. The articles are very muched backed up by reputable sources, and are points of interest that would barely be glanced at by any major news network. In late however, the writings have no longer been hinting but have been waving red flags. When one accepts the fact that the global weather systems are very much in danger, it's not very hard to accept the possibility that human nature will once again dictate the lands. The hurricane that hit our gulf coast was accompanied by droughts in Africa, back-to-back typhoons in China, floods in Europe, and many other weather anomalies that remain underreportred or ignored altogether. And having a vast knowledge of human nature thanks to multimillion dollar studies, will proceed to take action while everyone is still in their dream-like sleep, before we awake. www.whatdoesitmean.com read them, please.
  9. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    That should pretty well sum up where the psychosis is coming from.

    Freak show.
  10. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    LSD and Smurfslappa's paranoid schizophrenia have nothing at all to do with this topic, do they?
  11. soylent_greenspan

    soylent_greenspan New Member

    GAWD...and i thought the gaza pull out thread was a freak show...

    smurfy, if you had a gram of crediblity before, you lost it all with compound interest this time.
  12. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    you ever notice that no matter how intelligently a thread starts out it decays into mindless babble within a few posts. The administration got caught with there pants down, do you really think they're going to feel any actual heat with this. This isn't going to turn out any worse than the link between Iraq and al Quaida, or the WMD, or Jim Guckert, or the outing of Valery Plame. By the way, when is Bush going to honor his promise to fire whoever it was that leaked the name of that CIA agent (Karl Rove did it in case you didn't know).
  13. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator


    Only on Bush's watch. But this is only the bunch who ( amongst many other things too numerous to mention ) stole two elections, blatantly lied in order to launch an illegal, genocidal war against a sovereign nation, are pissing on the Geneva convention and the U.S. constitution...but surely they're not a bunch of corrupt, ruthless, murdering scoundrels who would orchestrate events in order to suit their own insideous, insane agenda!? Oh no. That's always the rulers of other people's countrys. Never our own.

    What's happening now just so happens to be falling neatly into place with what i had predicted was going to happen in America, but there's (conveniently) always a 'legitimate' reason. But of course! Just as there was a 'legitimate reason' for what they did to Iraq. How silly of me not to have predicted those reasons when i saw what appeared to be such sinister plans in the first place...i could have saved myself a lot of worry!
    These people make the mafia look like small time, petty criminals. 'Wake up and smell the coffee', to coin an American expression.
  14. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    not like any of this was a suprise. I don't know how insidious there plot can really be. Think about it, the agenda they are pushing, quite incompetently I might add, is all spelled out in black and white on www.pnac.org for those who want to check. Wolfowitz has wanted to invade the middle east since the seventies when he wrote his masters thesis on the threat presented by nuclear proliferation in the middle east. The neo-cons have been pushing this agenda since at least 96, and they were probably pushing it when Nixon fired both Cheney and Rumsfeld for being too radical. Not that anyone in America actually cares, we're far too comfortable where we are at. Until gas hits $100 dollars a barrel and gas costs $5.00 a gallon, then maybe we'll care, until then who knows. They could set off a nuke and blame it on whoever they wanted and you would still see a sea of red when you looked at a map of the U.S. in terms of who still supports the Bush Administration.
  15. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

  16. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Actually, the link i gave is the PNAC official site - with all the spin. Maybe this is the link Diogenes intended to post:

    http://www.pnac.info/ ('PNAC Watch -- Exposing the Project for the New American Century's plan for a unipolar world')
  17. soylent_greenspan

    soylent_greenspan New Member

    By Lee Ellis Sept 3, 2005

    Watching both Fox and NBC after President Bush had been inspecting the Gulf Coast and New Orleans, I was shocked at how the nets, and even some newspapers, were trying to blame the Bush Administration for the slowness in which help was reaching the damaged cities.

    Obviously, Brian Williams and his news team do not know the law, nor do they know the past history of New Orleans--a city built in a bathtub of a swamp. This is a city where the dead, for centuries, have had to be buried in above-ground structures because the water is so close to the surface of this sinking city. If coffins are put in the ground, they will rise to the surface as the underground water pushes them up. I have been to these cemeteries personally to witness this.

    For decades, New Orleans has been told that the city is sinking, and that the old levees have to be rebuilt and modernized in order to keep the city from being flooded. Local officials never finished the work, nor have pleas to Congress for additional federal help been heeded. Congress has simply never seen fit to fully complete this effort, whether controlled by Democrats or Republicans.

    "Why did it take five days for Bush to help?" is the mantra constantly voiced by all the "Talking Heads" on TV. Here are the reasons:

    (1) It is against the law for any President to order troops into a city or across state lines without a request and permission from the Governor of that state.

    John Armor, a First Amendment lawyer and one of my favorite writers, told me, "Federal law prevents the President from sending in the National Guard until the Governor gives the order. It is little known, but the Commanding General of the National Guard in every state reports to the Governor, not the President, until the Governor says otherwise. U.S. military units (regular Army, not the Guard) cannot be used because of the Posse Comitatus law, until the Guard has been authorized."

    According to some news sources, the Governor of Louisiana, who knew the levees were weak, who knew that the city had been slowly sinking, and who knew that a major # 5 hurricane was approaching her city, did not call Washington for help.

    (2) The Mayor of New Orleans did call for evacuation over a loud-speaker, but did nothing to be sure that the police went door-to-door, followed by transportation, to pick up all those who did not have cars or any ability to leave. There was no other leadership practiced by the mayor there, as had been in New York City during 9/11 by Mayor Giuliani.

    (3) The hurricane veered east and saved New Orleans, Brian Williams announced a week ago, and all breathed a sigh of relief...until the levees broke a day or two later allowing the surrounding waters to pour into the city.

    (4) It was this predicted levee failure which had been ignored for so long that doomed the local people to be held hostage in their attics or on rooftops, not the storm. It was also the failure of the local bureaucrats and local elected leaders to maintain law and order, and to have pre-arranged for complete evacuations of the city.

    It was only after a request went out to the President that troops could be sent in. Can you imagine the anti-Bush media screaming that Bush had invaded Louisiana as he had done in Iraq if he had gone in before being asked? I can just imagine The New York Times headlining, "A Repeat of Shock and Awe by Bush!"

    Bill O'Reilly, on Fox News, was the only commentator I heard who explained this. All the other network commentators seemed too willing to allow the implication inferred by the viewers, that this was all the fault of the Bush Administration.
  18. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff

    Ok, so I am confused. What does PNAC have to do with who dropped the ball, and that is assuming that someone actually dropped it and that there was a ball to drop.

    Are you saying that this is all a master plan? Are you agreeing with Smurfslappa? I don't get the connection between the two.
  19. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff


    You don't think that there's any chance that the people who run that site you keep linking to just took the name of the next storm with any potential to hit the Gulf and wrote that article with "Operation Ophelia" as the headline?
  20. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member


    Very well written. Too bad the anti crowd just doesn't want to believe this.


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