It has its own ribbon you know what that means, We must rush out to get said Ribbons and put them on our SUV's to show everyone we care. God I hate America.
I think it's maybe just the crass superficiality and mindless herd mentality that's being referred to in the initial post, not the actual reality without all the 'pretty', twee ribbons . America is such a mushy sentimental over-the-top, sacharine sweet country when it's not trawling the utmost depths of filth and depravity, swinging from one extreme to another, too blinkered to notice the disparity. You can't be all good, as America likes to come across, it's impossible, and to attempt to behave that way is unnatural and in denial of reality, which is neither all good or all bad, so in order for balance to be redressed, the complete opposite extreme suddenly emerges in all its glory. The most self righteous, 'christian' country on earth is also the one most tanked up to the eyeballs with the most cutting edge death technology, the most mass murderers, the most violent crime and not surprisingly the highest incidence of mental illness. It's all one way or the other. Good or evil, black or white for America. It's just that simple. No wonder it's rife with stupidity.
I wonder how many of those advertising shelter in exchange for sex also have pretty ribbons to show their support for the victims of the tragedy. :wink:
That's right. We have it all in America. America is the sum of all it's parts. Some of those parts are good, some are not. It's easy to focus on the negative aspects of anything and then refer to the whole thing as such. Scotland has a lot of alocoholics and sheep-fuckers, I hear.
So i've to say nice stuff when i'm describing what's wrong with America? I was describing the most prominent aspects, the two opposite extreme's of the pole, and also a bit about the general mindset, not the many variations or exceptions in between. The fact that i'm posting on an American website run by a whiney American prick like yourself should suggest that i don't shun everything American. I'm sure there are plenty Americans who would be able to appreciate my criticisms without taking them personally. And there's plenty of things wrong with Scotland, only it isn't presently leading the whole planet into a black hole of chaos and destruction, but if it was i'd be the first to point them out.
You know absolutely nothing about my mindset but I know a bunch of people who live in the United States who'd agree with you. I know a bunch of others there who you'd think the complete opposite of. It's a big place.
But i know how it presents itself to the world. And i said the 'general mindset', not yours. I already pointed out that there are variations or exceptions, but there are also general trends. *Puts on sickly sweet voice* Missing you already!