Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Fugly, Aug 19, 2005.

  1. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    And also why you insulting me? I'm sympathizing for you?
  2. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    There's the mass consumed spin...that the people of Iraq who have nothing left but to fight for their country, beliefs and dignity are called 'insurgents'. How can they be 'insurgents' when they are fighting an outside agressor?
  3. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Sometimes you make valid points.

  4. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I tell you what Soy. I'll make it really simple you say you denounce terrorism but that puts my bullshit meter on full alert. Why because you said you were a Muslim and I have never known one to denounce terrorism. So here is what you do buy a domain create a webpage with a forum paste you and your family’s picture on the front with personal information about yourself including a one page at least 200 word statement denouncing the terrorist thugs. Put a place on it for other Muslims to do the same. Once this is done and if there are actually other Muslims that actually do the same. And it is more than a dozen and they actually live amongst other Muslims. I will personally take the opportunity to apologize to you profusely to you and your Muslim brothers. I was wrong once before and I suppose it is entirely possible that it could happen again.

    By the way hiding your face on a forum and denouncing terrorism secretly hidden away from your Muslim brothers does not count.
  5. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    "muslims" + "condemn" + "terrorism" > google =
  6. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Thanks Nursey.

    There you have it simply do a google search for : "muslims" + "condemn" + "terrorism"

    And you will see artical after artical where Muslims are not Condemning terrorism.

    Good point.
  7. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator


    So really, you're saying that black equals white. Nice to have that clarified before wasting any more time with your hate-mongering nonsense.
  8. Yellow_Soy

    Yellow_Soy New Member

    listen...ur a fucking dumbass guy

    u think all themuslims in isreal and iraq know of the actions of the terrorists in isreal and the rebellionists in iraq?

    good point and my friend were discussing that the other day

    neway, look joe, ur saying every muslim knows of every action of some terrorist group? then all the isrealis no of every action of their army? then so you knwo ware our socom troops are gonan hit next? no u fucking dipshit...because that doesnt make sence...and wat about those people in iraq who have given information...cuz they know its right and they did uare a really big douche....ur a bigger douche than that guy who says he talks to dead people...u really need to find some information other thanu spoon fed Fox news shit
  9. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Sorry dude do not watch TV really. Good try and you have skirted my challenge again. You learned your tactics right from the typical liberal strategy book. Act offended I made some valid points and you know it so you totally ignore that point, attack the messenger and validate your behavior by .... You know what forget it. I pissed you off I understand that but really, truly I hoped you would take me up on my challenge. I would have some hope if I knew there really are Muslims taking a stand and denouncing the terrorists.
  10. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    My offer still stands but no apologies will be forthcoming till then. If you choose not to denounce terrorism (outside of the secrecy of this forum) I'll understand and not attack you further for it understanding it is simply a character flaw that is not your fault. We all have our faults. But I will not avoid the obvious truth.
  11. oOoGhstoOo

    oOoGhstoOo New Member

    Wow Joe! You are funny. I like the way you now focus on Yellow soy to prove himself. You actaully lied about the google search, roflcopter!!, and all you have is Yellow soy to pick on. In fact, terrorists consider N.A. muslims not muslims or targets becuase they dont sympathize for them or join thier mission. Same thing in Iraq. The Iraqi police force is being slaughtered.

    On a different note, the Iraqi war is a big lie and shows how the people in the U.S. are sheep and do not use thier brain to take advantage of thier democracy. In the end democracy is just a word, and the only thing that seperates democracy from a dictatorship is the rights the people have -freedom of speech, equality or equal opportunity and the ability to impeach thier president. (A good dictator equals?) But history has shown us, just like religion, politics works the same way to control its supporters. Once you have created an illusion, something not evident or fact (e.g. Crusades or Iraq's WMD) and the people believe you, you know you have them by the balls....and so Bush got another term.

    Even though the majority of the people believes he has lied to them he remains in power. Convince your house of reps to do the right thing. Save yourself from the retardation that is Bush.

    So maybe you should be less ignorant, less of a tool, and less of a coward and rise for a real democracy!

    Make your vote count here:

    And you can still remain anonymous, or will u...bwhahahahahahahahahaha
  12. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Ah I think your on the wrong Forum must have been a mistake. Maybe you were on or some Michael Moore page. We are not even talking about that.

    Sorry dude wrong forum
  13. Slidaulth

    Slidaulth New Member

    Ah, yes, the voice of logic and, no.

    See, what Joeslogic is trying to say is that you do not see images on ANY magazine/newspaper/tv showing crowded streets full of muslims NOT BURNING the US flag, you don't see them crowding the streets and shooting the terrorists as they walk brazenly down the street with their cowardly masked faces, you don't see them running for office or even attempting to make massmediamachine style apologies for what terrorists have done in 'their' name.

    You do, however, see them burning US flags, you do see them out in the streets shooting off guns to celebrate when a terrorist kills someone that was innocent, and you do see them running for and even winning offices and making massmediamachine style threates and even grossly killing hostages that weren't even strategic hostages but instead innocent people trying to HELP the masses of 'innocent' muslims.

    There is NO SUCH THING as an 'innocent' anything when it comes to standing by and LETTING the bad people do bad things.

    Instead of showing your ass here, go learn enough about your religion to be able to go out and preach to those that claim to be using Your religion to support Their Jihad.
  14. Slidaulth

    Slidaulth New Member

    Wow, and you are doing so well at improving the percieved intelligence level of yourself to those around you. Gee, did you even bother to slow down for a second to gather your thoughts, nope. It shows in the amount of errors in your typing. You responded out of anger, without thought, without meditation. You should really work on that religious belief of yours. Hypocracy is very unbecoming in someone that tries to argue a case.

    Now, to the points that have been made. Do the peaceful muslims in the world go out of their way to make a point, to stop the violence? NO. They do not. You do not have to know where the next attack is coming from to publicly confront those walking the street shooting off their guns and burning flags in front of TV cameras. You NEVER have seen it, you can't find me one example of it, you are not able to even find me a still photo that seems to resemble any such action of one Muslim confronting another to stop the violence.

    Why, because, while I don't agree with Joeslogic that there are 'any' peaceful Muslims, I do have to tell you, they don't accomplish anything.

    Do you really think that if every single peaceful Muslim in the Mideast turned their backs on the Jihadists and even violently confronted those they could find (not that hard when they brazenly walk the streets celebrating their 'victories'), do you really think they would be able to function?
    No, they would not. But, the majority of the peaceful Muslims are in fear of their lives. After all, how many rounds does the average machine gun carry. When I was in the Army (peacetimes btw), the M16 was loaded with 20 round clips. Now, that was for training, I don't know what you get when it is war time or even what you could go out and buy on your own.
    But, do you really want to be on the discharge end of a machine gun just because you disagree with a lunatic? Probably not.

    Now, is that a valid excuse? NO. How many Millions of the Peaceful Muslims are there? How many hundreds, thousands, of the jihadists (actually armed folks here)?

    Knowing that they were going to die either way, the passengers on one of the terrorists planes took charge. They formed together and said, 'not while I live and breath.' They took their lives and threw them at the terrorists, knowing that it would lead to their death either way, but that to die fighting against them was better than to die as balast on a plane aimed at US properties.

    Get off your thumbs and actually find me one Muslim willing to die to stop the terrorist. They are out there. Some have even come to the US to become citizens just to be able to join the military to fight, they don't get to because of the possibility that they might be terrorists, but, hey, maybe they should stay home and learn to fight there.

    Take as the perfect example, Cuba. What the fuck is up with that. You don't like the leader of your country and so, what do you do, you run the fuck away and come to another country where you become a burden on the society that is there because your English is broken, your skills are lacking and you were too much of a coward to fight for your own nation.

    Get back on the boat, go back to Cuba and learn to fight. Take back your own country.

    Now, what is stopping all these peaceful Muslims from doing the same thing?

    Really, you are going to claim that the majority of Muslims are peaceful, and then tell me that there wouldn't be enough of them to win...that doesn't sound like a majority.
  15. Slidaulth

    Slidaulth New Member

    First of all, you really think that website can achieve anything? My god, you really do not understand a single thing about the US and how it works.

    Now, about the war in Iraq. No kidding. Wonder where you heard that first? Want to know where I heard it first, my own mouth. I have been telling every person that would listen (not many as they have been spoon fed a bunch of crap since day one and not encouraged to think on their own), that the terrorists that flew the planes were NOT Iraqi. That Saddam Hussein was not involved directly with any of the strategy and planning of those attacks. That it was, infact, Afghanistani Muslim Radicals that claimed the right of Jihad based on what the US has attempted to do to their nations laws which are based on their religious beliefs. Now, since the USA attacked their religion and the islamic faith allows for the defence of others and self only as the reason to kill another person, they (the radicals) have taken our countries views of their religion based laws as an 'attack' on them personally or changed the translation which makes it an 'attack on the religion'. Really, they (the followers everywhere) should learn to read their own friggin religious text.

    Make a decision, be a part of the solution or be part of the problem. There is no, stand by the side of the road with your thumb up your ass.

    I am part of the solution by pointing out to those that DON'T vote that they are allowing their children to be kept in lower level poverty and run by a man I don't like. Letting themselves be part of the new century slavery. It doesn't matter how much they pay you at work, if there is NEVER a chance that you can get out of the hole you are in without extreeme luck (like the lottery) and even then, you lack the education to truely be the better person you think money will make you, you are still a slave, just a slave with more toys than others. Slavery to ignorance and violance and bigotry.

    We have all that over here too. Same things that created the terrorists over there. It happens everywhere. It is those that stand up, that take the time to mentor, tutor, educate, love, nurture, and treat with respect the new generation, that will make the change in the world.
  16. Schmed

    Schmed New Member

    Children, children, play nice or daddy spank.
  17. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    Haven't been able to check in a while, but it seems this whole situation comes from the west sticking it's nose where it doesn't belong. We should have left Iraq alone, we should have left Iran alone in the seventies, we should have let the concentration camp survivors settle for themselves where they were going to live. If the U.S. and western Europe believe so much in the free market why is there so much interference going on in the free market of ideas. Let these people decide their own fate. They're grown-ups and can take care of themselves. As far as the reply to my earlier comments the original homeland of the Jews has nothing to do with todays conflict, as whether or not the Europeans had a right to give away the land in the first place was never addressed. Whether or not there were Jews there prior to 1946 is also irrelevant, because they were living on land they had purchased, not land that had been forcibly taken away from Palestinians and then handed over to a European. The land Israel is built on was forcibly cleared by European armies. Wouldn't you be mad if the soviet union had invaded California, taken our best port's and richest land and then given it away to a bunch of chechens just because they didn't want to have to deal with them anymore?
  18. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    Jew Thread been dead for like a week now, just like the Gaza struip...
  19. diogenes

    diogenes New Member

    guess so, wasn't really paying attention

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