Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Fugly, Aug 19, 2005.


    MEDICVET New Member

    Okay, first of all it is saddening to see what is going on. People having to move out to make way for new people who were the older people who were there first but then the argument becomes who was there first..who was ON first was a lot better, if you ask me. Then after the hoopla, and the people leave, they bring out the bulldozers so they just give the people who will now get the land just piles of rubble.

    I think they should have just made the people living there in their homes bring a family of a different people into their home and made a reality show of it. Hell, they got that wife swapping reality show I've seen commercials for..this would work better and on a grander scale..

    Seriously, Rodney may have been a drunk pcp addict in the wrong place at the wrong time, but he sure did have one thing right...'can't we just all get along?'

    Whoever said that the mideast needs it's own MLK was right on the mark. A Gandhi or King type is DEPERATELY NEEDED OVER THERE. Hell, even the dalai llama won't comment about the situation in the mideast..

    And as for people talking about the bible and end times and shit..please quit mixing valid science with paranoid religious BULLSHIT. There IS such a thing as Peak Oil, and attaching all this extamperaneous nonsense too it merely muddies the waters.

    Here is a more rational site if anyone is interested in learning more about Peak Oil:
  2. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    you and cmurfdlappa should get together and make little retarded babies

    MEDICVET New Member

    I don't think so, I am a pagan UU who would have little hell bound heathens..something that religious freak would not be interested in.
  4. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Funny, because i've read that Sharon is into little brown skinned boys!

  5. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    I would not doubt that Sharon is a pervert. He is a terrorist just as sure as was Arafat.

    To believe that GWB would smuggle in a few boys for Sharon to pork is stupid. Nothing to gain and everything to lose for GWB.

  6. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    aw c'mon barry.. nobody's saying that bush smuggled them in personally... maybe he found another niche for jeff gannon to fill
  7. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    Which is what i was about to say..

    Well, seeing as he gets away with having male prostitutes staying overnight at the Whitehouse with secret service security clearing ('Gannongate')...who knows what he gets away with at the ranch!

    This is from the same TBRnews 'Voice of the Whitehouse' link i cited in my last post...

    That's what i see. It's not about arabs, jews or religion. It's about a bunch of power crazed, white supremacist males using every dirty trick in the book to achieve their highly dishonourable intentions..
  8. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    If I agree will you give in and fill spot three in my harem?

  9. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    sharon's terminator eye still creeps me out

    MEDICVET New Member

    I don't know about the pedophile thing..but the last statement of nursey's I will agree with without reservation.
  11. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Well I did a little research and that area has been under the control of quite a few nationalities. However the Jewish people started migrating back there in mass some 300 years ago. At that time all records indicate it was a wasteland with very few inhabitants. And they were Bedouins. The Jews built it up to what it is and have been plagued with a bunch of nasty beggars living off of the fat of the land the Jews worked. For all the Jews accommodations they get shit on every time.
  12. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Also while I am at it, there is this very ignorant assumption I keep hearing that the Palestines owned the land. Can somebody tell me what a Palestine is? Britain designated an area called it Palestine for the purpose of making it a Jewish colony. After that they split up the area and created Jordan. I suppose these ignorant people are also saying that the Jordanians are rightfully on the land of there ancestors? Can one of these Geniuses who seem to believe that the Jews are stealing the land of a fictitious people, please tell me where the Jews land is so that they can be “given” there land back? I live in Nashville Tennessee and no I’m not Jewish. I would like to know should the city of Nashville give all of river front park, second avenue, and the Jefferson St bridge to the homeless panhandlers there if they give themselves a name and start killing tourist that do not cough up some spare change?
  13. Nursey

    Nursey Super Moderator

    I think you'll find that indigenous (arab) jews have been living quite happily along with indigenous christians, muslims and other sects in that region for hundreds of years...until the British decided to give part of what didn't belong to them away to the Eastern European white supremacists that make up the higher echelons of Israeli power. (Indigenous jews are treated as second class citizens in Israel, it might interest you to know).

  14. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    I think you'll find that indigenous (arab) jews have been living quite happily along with indigenous christians, muslims and other sects in that region for hundreds of years...until the British decided to give part of what didn't belong to them away to the Eastern European white supremacists that make up the higher echelons of Israeli power. (Indigenous jews are treated as second class citizens in Israel, it might interest you to know).

    Two points about your post speak millions. And one minor point to make about what you just posted.
    • What of my post you missed out on commenting about. While you did address the position regarding the origination of the term Palestine. You forgot to say what region of land then are the Jews from. Also you seemed to have avoided the fact that before the Jews started working the land, irrigating, and building. There was not squat to be had but dunes, rocks, swamps, weeds, and thorns. Nobody seemed to care. Now the true fact is that both Jews and as you correctly say Philistines lived in that region. But like I said it’s what you missed that speaks millions. The Jews are the ones that built it into a desirable area to habitat. They never kicked the Locals out but rather offered then jobs albeit second class jobs. The fact that they were second class jobs did not stop a massive migration of “second class citizen” from surrounding Arab regions to migrate back there. Some of these were of true Philistine decent and quite a few were not. Also a huge gaping part of what you forgot to address was the issue of Jordan. What about Jordan of that question I think you know where I am coming from so I will leave it to you.
    • What of the post you did address is of great interest in the fact that you quoted a “Myth” that is to say you cut and pasted that “Myth” from somewhere…. Hmmm let’s see if I copy your “myth” quote using Yahoo search what will I get for (2. MYTH: Arab refugees in Israel began identifying themselves as part of a Palestinian people in 1967, two decades after the establishment of the modern State of Israel.) Well to my extreme surprise seems like there are 2040 hits on that one most seem to be pro Palestine I would have never guessed
    Now on a lighter note I challenge you to objectively acknowledge my position if you can I will be glad to objectively acknowledge yours.
  15. Slidaulth

    Slidaulth New Member

    First, let me state that, the majority of individuals on this site quoting from other websites should take the time to learn to think objectively.
    Then, and only then, should you look at information presented from such very obviously subjective sources.

    Take the time to actually go to a library from time to time, college libraries being the best sources, and read actual books. Take the 'non-predigested' information and then, working from the outside edges and assuming that both (or all) sides are correct, formulate an actual opinion that is yours and not something you were spoon fed.

    Now, on the actual subject, for those that didn't go into automatic flame mode as soon as they read the part where I kind of prefer that people form individual opinions and don't just 'vote the party line'.

    Isreal and Palestine both have some serious issues. Many years of killings could have been avoided had Isreal ceaded(sp?) the Gaza strip when things first started going badly. Instead, they (their government that is) decided to try to force the issue.

    When one is dealing with someone that is motivated and willing to die for what they believe in unless you give them their desired "X", giving them their desired "X" and watching them continue to behave badly speaks louder than any tank or helicopter ever will. Had Isreal relied on proving that the 'land' wasn't the actual issue and that their total destruction was what was really wanted, they would have had world support for a response of force.

    Tom Clancy, the author of Patriot Games and other 'Jack Ryan' novels, created the ultimate example of this in one of his books. At the beginning, the protesters sit down and start singing 'we shall overcome'. When the riot police on scene, led by one unstable person, assaulted the 'peaceful protesters' they lost their legitimacy.

    Now, while that may be a book written in fiction, it does give the facts in their most pure form.

    Palestine claims that their lands were 'stolen' from them.
    Isreal claims these lands were theirs by rights of God.
    The rest of the world, being led like so many lost sheep, follow what the world press wants them to believe.

    Now, never should you even think that the world news has been anything other than a pocket pet of the rich and powerful. They have run the news since day one. Trust no sorce that you can not verify for yourself, either through observation or research. The old news reals that came out of Nazi Germany are often touted as being the worst example of slanted media, but, if you look in our own news media in the USA you will find that news is every bit as slanted over here. The only difference is that the slant happens both ways depending on which oldrichguy owns the channel/paper you watch/read, while in Nazi Germany the news was state controled and only had one slant.

    Isreal is finally doing something smart, though still for the wrong reasons, and getting out. Then, when the few misguided idiots that decide to continue fighting from Palestine decide to go blow up some more Isralies, the world will be on solidly on Isreals side.

    Why is Isreal wrong to even pursue this? For the same reasons they were wrong to accept the lands being 'given' to them by any nation without having taken the time to come to peace with their neighbors first. It violates the basic tenants of their religion. Through their coveting (forget whether it was rightfully theirs or not) of their neighbors belongings they brought down upon themselves everything that has happened since.

    Lest you think I am Pro Palestine, they have committed an equally horrible act in failing to abolish the terrorist amongst themselves. It is not the worlds job, nor any other nations job, to ensure that the majority of a country that wishes to live peacefully has that right. It is, instead, their responsibility to control the extremists in their midst.

    If you knew that your neighbor was going to blow up a church/school/office/etc and did nothing, then you should also be taken out and shot when they are. You failed to protect your neighbors, the ones that were also peaceful.

    For those that want to state that 'the strong prevail' or any other such statement, you fail to realize that might does not make right and a knife to the throat in the middle of the night is just as effective as a gun at noon. The same reasoning could be used to justify men beating their wives death. Hey, after all, they were stronger and the women just couldn't hold their own. The same logic was used for the US taking the lands from the Indians as was used by the Nazis in Germany and both were wrong. The only difference is that the US won and Germany didn't.

    Now, go read some books, learn some facts, put the facts together with the bigger picture of the actual situation and then, and only then, make an opinion of what you think should or should not be done. But, realize, that even after having done so, it doesn't guarantee that some other equally educated individual won't still call you a fucking ass for your opinion, just realize that they are speaking from passion in their beliefs.

    The others that just spit out the same small minded dribble someone else spoon fed them, well, they lack the intellect to form a truely coherent arguement and will always start, continue, and end with insults.

    BTW, I do not assume that everyone that posts websites does so because they haven't taken the time to become familiar with a subject. Some do so to present information that supports the opinions they have formed. They simply do not understand, as of yet, that taking the time to post along with that a simple 'but, if you look here you will see the other sides arguements' (without insulting the other sides ideas), it makes their arguement stronger because it shows they are not afraid of the other sides information winning over their logic.
  16. Slidaulth

    Slidaulth New Member

    I apologize for any horrible mizpelings...haha...I suffer from insomnia and do not sleep much. This gives me a great amount of time to read, however, I lack the eye hand (or in the case of touch typing, brain hand) coordination to type very well.


    An ancient kingdom of Palestine founded by Saul c. 1025 B.C. After 933 it split into the Northern Kingdom, or kingdom of Israel, and the kingdom of Judah to the south. Israel was overthrown by the Assyrians in 721.


    A country of southwest Asia on the eastern Mediterranean Sea. It was established in 1948 following the British withdrawal from Palestine, which had been divided by recommendation of the United Nations into Jewish and Arab states. Discord with neighboring Arab countries that had rejected the UN partition led to numerous wars, notably in 1948-1949, 1956-1957, 1967, and 1973. In the Six-Day War of 1967 Israel occupied the Gaza Strip, the West Bank, Jerusalem's Old City, the Golan Heights, and the Sinai Peninsula. The Golan Heights and Jerusalem were later annexed, and the Sinai was returned to Egypt in 1982. A 1993 Israeli-Palestinian accord granted limited Palestinian autonomy in the Gaza Strip, and a similar accord calling for Palestinian self-rule in the West Bank was signed in 1994. Jerusalem is the capital and Tel Aviv-Yafo the largest city. Population: 5,383,000.

    Really depends on what data you choose to look at. Taken one way, Israel was a Kingdom inside of Palestine. Which, ironically, makes Israelies Palestinian....

    Oh, and, before people try to refute that, think on this. There are currently 50 United States of America. However many subdivisions of lands in all the rest of the countries of the world, there are a lot and they change from time to time folks. Is it not possible for both sides to, effectively, be correct in stating that they were 'there first' Palestine as a area of land and Isreal as a nation inside that area of land.
  17. oOoGhstoOo

    oOoGhstoOo New Member

    "The word "Jew" is simply a shortened version of "Judah (The first mention of the word "Jew" in the Bible is found in II Kings 16:6 which shows Israel at war with the Jews.) They , by themselves, were not "God's chosen people"- the nation of Israel as a whole was, although God later rejected them because they rejected Him.

    To think that Israel means Jew is erroneous. All Jews were Israelites, (just as Californians or Texans are American), but NOT all Israelites are Jews. The "Jews" as we know them are descendants of Judah- one of the 12 sons of Jacob, the GRANDSON of Abraham. Jacob's name was later changed to Israel by God, Himself.

    All 12 sons had familes who grew to become "tribes", ( extended familes). All 12 tribes were slaves in Egypt. All 12 tribes left Egypt under Moses and Aaron, and eventually settled in the land of Canaan. For nearly 400 years there was no real Nation of Israel- simply a loose confederation of the 12 tribes. Saul was made the first King of "Israel", about 1090 BC, but it took David, a "man after God's own heart", to actually truly unite the 12 tribes and form the Nation of Israel. After David's death, Solomon ruled and Israel reached its zenith as a nation. Following Solomon's death, however, the people revolted, from the heavy taxation Solomon's successor, Rehoboam instilled upon them. The nation split- with 10 tribes following another leader- Jeroboam, and only the tribes of Judah and Benjamin staying loyal to the House of David, (together with the Levites, who, as keepers of the tabernacle and temple, had no inheritance- no land of their own.)

    At this point, the history of Israel as a single, unified nation of 12 tribes ceases, and two separate nations emerge- Israle (The northern 10 tribes), and JUDAH, the southern 2 tribes -plus the Levites.

    For over 200 years the two nations existed side by side, sometimes aligning with each other, other times warring with each other, until 721 BC when the nation of Israel was carried away captive by the Assyrians. At that point "Israel" ceased to exist in history. The Assyrians repopulated the area Israel had occupied with foreign captives, who became known as Samaritans.

    In 586 BC, Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon carried Judah away captive, and for 70 years they remained captives, under the Babylonian and Medeo-Persian Empires. Cyrus the Great, the Persian emperor issued a decree that all who wished could return to Judah, to "build a house for God", in about 485 BC.

    It was THESE captive Jews- remnants of the nation of Judah, who returned, and refounded the nation. These people became known once again as "Jews", which really is a colloquialism, just as Americans are called "Yanks" or New Zealanders are called "Kiwis".

    The rest of the nation of Israel- the other ten tribes, taken captive 130 years earlier by the Assyrians- never returned to their land after being taken captive. They became known in history as the "Lost Ten Tribes", although they never were lost. They simply migrated through Asia and Europe, becoming the early ancestors of many European people today.

    In summary- the Jews were and are descendants of Abraham, but it is a mistake to say they were Israel of the old testament- they were merely a part of Israel, and later were a separate nation. They WERE and still ARE Israelites, but only constitute 1/12 of the family of Israel. The books of Kings and Chronicles detail the events of the two SEPARATE kingdoms. Ezra and Nehemiah chronicle the events of JUDAH, (The Jews who were taken captive by Babylon), AFTER their return from captivity. The modern nation of Israel, set up by the UN in 1948, mainly consists of descendents of the Tribe of Judah-not the ancient nation of Israel. "

    Forgive the lack of professionalism but this is the best summary i could find to copy and paste.

  18. oOoGhstoOo

    oOoGhstoOo New Member

  19. Yellow_Soy

    Yellow_Soy New Member

    please show where u got this information u say, and incase you want to know the palestinian arabic is MUCH different than say egyptian, syrian, or even jordanian arabic....and in arabic Palestinians are called Philistine...liek the ancient peoples

    i would liek to see the site/book/article u get the informationof the "jews cultivating the land" garbage...thank you
  20. Joeslogic

    Joeslogic Active Member

    Yellow Soy.
    I have never posted on a forum before I suppose there is a format for being able to .... brb gotta go check this post in a few

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