you just arn't as angry as you were before you just took a huge dump? I mean I was just LIVIDLY PISSED THE FUCK OFF!!!! but then I dropped a gut grenade in the toilet and now im like "eh, fuck it" ... maybe Im just turning into a pussy, or the paxil CR just released some paxil goodness in my brain through my asshole... who knows?
Yeah. It is Paxil's way of compensating for the anorgasmia it causes. Eventually you just have pissergasms. Women love it though. You can have intercourse for two hours. Problem is that you get a blister before you get a nut. Some guys love it. Total ejaculatory control. Barry
Oh sweet Ferine - I have been married for 25 years. I truly know that no women wants two hours of anything other than sleep. Just yanking old Dwainys chainy. I found the magic pant button early in life, and my wife complains not. Barry
i have heard it called a few things, but magic pant button is a new one by me..and yeah, two hours is too much for me too. And I think there is something to the whole calming effect of a dump..I mean, look at the seriel killers in the midwest and wisconsin..wonder why? too much cheese and dairy..they're all bound up and constipated!
There is nothing quite like taking a good shit. Unfortunately, my nerves are so bad these days I take about 5 a day. It keeps the weight off though. I ate an entire strawberry pie the other day and didn't gain a pound.