Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Fugly, Aug 19, 2005.

  1. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    If this didn't start out with a Biblical reference I would swear Nursey wrote it. Oh wait! It is Nursey. She used the Bible thing to throw us off.

    BTW - I dare anyone to show me where the Bible specifically says that a peace treaty and the "Great Trib" are connected. I have heard that all my life, and have yet to find a scripture that says that.

  2. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    don't be stupid barry.. smurf, and all the new members, are constructs of you and your chum, jeffy.. in a fevered attempt to resurrect this godforsaken corpse of a website
  3. soylent_greenspan

    soylent_greenspan New Member

    Oh goodie. More responses from the wrong.

    I don't ask anyone to agree with me, just be intellectually honest enough to state that you are bigots. It's like a Sudatenland discussion in here.

    The logic is fairly simple to grasp. Israel is a sovereign nation. It is populated. Most of the population has families. Most of the population wants to enjoy life and not be murdered. I support anyone who wants that for themselves and their families.

    But you dipfukks conclude: "Therefore anyone who is anti-PC and dares suggest that Israelis deserve not to be blown up by islamofacist homocide bombers is anti Arab and a racist." That is an inherently racist attitude. More of the twisted logic that comes to the malignant conclusion that the Arabs deserve to kill Israelis but the Israelis are murderers when they try to defend themselves.

    This thread is proof that stupid knows no ethnicity.
  4. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff

    Please do that then, pimpchichi. I'd like to see some of them.
  5. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

  6. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff

    Is Nursey really Iraqi? Somebody told me she was from Iraq.

    Thanks for all of these links, Pimpichichi. It's going to take me a while to read all of this but I am looking forward to it.
  7. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    why do you ask?.. you know your friends in the fbi don't have jurisdiction over here
  8. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    here's another interesting link if you want to find out about your probable heritage whiteyjewboy
  9. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff

    I'm not really Jewish, although people always think I am. I might "look" Jewish, if that's even possible.

    To tell you the truth I have no idea what my affiliation is or if I even have one at all. I'm just your standard white-bread American. It doesn't go a whole lot deeper than that.

    Thanks for the additional link too.

    None of this has anything to do with the thread but I just wanted to thank everyone for remaining as civil as humanly possible. I know that this is a touchy subject for some people and considering that other threads have deteriorated to name-calling over something as trivial as one's preferred Mp3 player, I think this one is going very well. I hope it continues.
  10. soylent_greenspan

    soylent_greenspan New Member

    Ok, chichi. We can probably post links to counter each other all day long. I think we would agree, however, that regardless why and how, the State of Israel exists. As someone pointed out earlier, "we Americans" aren't the original owners of this land either, but "we" have been here for dozens of generations and I consider it my home. My "heritage" is British and Indian (i hate the term native american). So, does that mean I should hate myself and get back on a boat to be in "my people's" land (which I have never seen)? Or should I buy a trailer on the reservation 2500 miles from here and get a "kill whitey" bumpersticker for the truck on blocks in my front yard? The answer is clearly neither. I consider this my home because I was born here. Why dont 19 year old Arabs from Jordan feel the same way about their country? What is it that makes them strap dynamite to their chests and murder children in a marketplace?

    When we parse the argument out, the main issue as far as i'm concerned, is the fact that there are people of many races and religions that are citizens of Israel and call it home. Saying they don't deserve to be there is the moral equivalent of saying that crack babies don't deserve medical treatment because their mothers should have known better.

    I don't care where their grandparents came from. They live there now and it's their home. They should want to defend it. They should be proud of it. The only two things that don't seem to give a shit about that very crucial point are bigoted assholes and shapnel.

    I have lots more to say, but I have shit to do
  11. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    interesting you should mention reservations.. they're kindof like palestinian refugee camps... in a "hey we've taken the land that you and generations of your family/tribe have lived on and made livable for some centuries.. and we quite like that land... but we aren't so heartless as to leave you homeless.. here's some worthless plot of sand"

    what would you think if some canadians decided to come live in your back yard.. you go off to get rid of them but they have bigger guns than you (yes i know, canadians and big guns.. hahaha.. but it's an analogy.. bear with me here)... and chase you off that plot of your garden.. then they move their friends down from canada.. and quebec.. and take more of your garden.. then they move into your house and throw you out into a small plot of the garden.. (oh and along the way they decide they want a different house so bulldoze yours, treasured mementoes and all and build their own canadian igloo type monstrosity)... you ask other americans for help and theyre all.. hey man.. capitalism.. survival of the fittest.. it's how the west was won.. cry me a river etc... oh and along the way the mexicans (who have a big canadian population and political lobbies) decide they'd back up the canadians claim on your property... so start sending billions of tacos and burritos and black hawk helicopters ...

    how would you feel?... you expect your equivalents to roll over and take it up the collective asses like a bunch of pussies
  12. asmodaie

    asmodaie New Member


    "Why dont 19 year old Arabs from Jordan feel the same way about their country? What is it that makes them strap dynamite to their chests and murder children in a marketplace?"

    Because you don't ever start a blood-feud with Muslims. They'll go above and beyond for Vengeance.

    I should point out that it could always get worse. The Canaanites could rise from the grave and claim the entire region for themselves.
  13. smiles

    smiles New Member

    why is this such a touchy subject for so many middle class caucasians? can't you bitch about some shit that hits a little closer to home or is it just easier to strategies, theorize, and my favorite whatifise about a country you will never see, populated by people you will never know, in a situation you can NEVER comprehend?

    Talk about pollution, rising population, the fading middle class, war in iraq, war in Afghanistan, rate of prescription drug abuse, rising occurrence of mental instability, obesity, illiteracy, government corruption, … if half of you motherfuckers were half as heated about half of these problems they’d be half solved by now… yet you pick topics u cant do shit about so its much easier to blame some1 else if things get more fucked…

    u don’t like what Israel is doing… go start a picket line, go gather some fucking money for the refugees, you don’t like the Palestinians? Go start a picket line, go gather some fucking money, mail a fucking congressman but for gods sake CHANGE YOUR FUCKING PADS
  14. soylent_greenspan

    soylent_greenspan New Member

    huh? That was kind of incoherent and not even an equivalent argument. Let me clear things up for you.

    If a Canadian decided to move into my backyard I would be legally able to have him removed. If the Canadian GOVERNMENT chose to invade my backyard, I would be pissed, but I wouldn't be able to do much about it. I would have to go through the appropriate channels.

    There is a big difference between the acts of an individual and the collective acts of a group. An individual isn't necessarily logically, morally or legally responsible for the actions of a group and vice versa. Case in point: If you are so concerned about stealing the indians' land, give me your house...

    So that brings us back to Israel. If the US sided with the wrong group and lost a world war and we had to...oh, I dont know...give Alaska back to the Inuit and they decided they wanted to become a Canadian territory, then fine. We screwed up and picked the wrong team. I'm sure it would suck on many different levels but we lost fair and square. In a few generations after all the Americans were moved to Seattle and traffic grew even shittier, I can't see great grandchildren of the displaced population strapping bombs to their chests and trying to blow up malls in Anchorage.

    Let me digress a bit. I can think of three different classifications of taking a human life. They would be self defense, justifiable homocide, and some degree of murder. Self defense is obvious. Justifiable homocide would be killing someone before they killed an innocent. Murder would be the indiscriminate taking of a life other than your own. Pretty simple definitions. So if some evil bastards co-opt an entire region's religion and use ignorance and hormones to convince 19 year old kids to blow themselves and other people's kids in the process, where would you classify that lifetaking and who is guilty of it? Both, IMHO. Wrong is wrong. Period.

    So getting back to my main point--Why are young Arab kids so pissed off that their great, great grandparents' government picked the wrong side in WW1 and lost a tiny portion of their land? The Jews didn't do it. Why do they hate them so much? The only conclusion I can come to is they are pawns in the great game. We all are. Get the fuck over it and get a job.
  15. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    nice. i love how everyone stays distracted with issues like where the poor palestinians will live, who it really belongs to and the such. Since when have our leaders ever gave a damn about some misplaced, landless souls? We never gave a damn about the poor tutsis getting chopped up in Africa, what makes you think our leaders give a damn about the Palestinians? I'm not a Bigot, but when Sharon was apologizing to his people saying that they couldn't defend the Gaza strip any longer, that we were making him do it in the interest of peace, my bullshit detector went off. I mean, wasn't that why we went to Iraq? They're on the brink of civil war. Oil to the north, oil to the south, dustbowl in the middle. Kurds, Sunnis, and Sheits. Who gets the shitty shitty dustbowl? Our leaders aren't idiots, you might think Bush is an idiot, and you might think his advisers are idiots, and they probably are, but the realpeople out there pulling the strings aren't. So when we go on this quest to give these people their lands back, and then talk about building a casino on it, the holiest of holy lands, and to what many over there believe is closing the door on the messiah, I don't believe for a second that it's for peace. And I'm sure Hammas is just fine and dandy with getting the Gaza Strip, because they know it'd be crazy to attack and try to take the west bank. But from what i hear, it's being reported that they're saying they're going to take it all, and that they see this as their first victory? Yeah, i don't think so. Some rabble rousing jihadists against the trained Israeli army backed by the US? It seems like they're being set up to me, in one of those, "Ok we'll be the nice guys and give you the land," hits self while the world isn't watching, "Oh gee, we tried to be nice, but it looks like you can't handle yourselves. KILL EM ALL!" kind of schemes. Maybe not to that extreme, but you get my drift. So hell no I don't think it's about peace. If you do, then your an idiot. And i don't know who the hell Nursey is.
  16. soylent_greenspan

    soylent_greenspan New Member

    smiles... clearly aren't that bright so I will try to type slowly so you can keep up.

    If we are dumbasses for posting here and you posted here, doesn't that make you a dipshit too?

  17. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    I'm not trying to attack you all, i don't want to get caught up in that shit as it causes us to lose focus of the main issues. But I'm trying to make people aware that, as pimpchichi puts it, we're all pawns in some great game, that there is no real interest in peace, the biosphere is crumbling, and the haves are going to save whats left for themselves from the havenots. This israel pullout is just another move in the global chess game. And how it's being hailed as a step towards peace is bullshit, and anyone that thinks that has been duped. Ah fuck it, if you had any kind of reading comprehension you'd know that that's who I was refering to, and not anyone who posts here. Ass.
  18. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Since when has a lack of jurisdiction stopped the FBI?

    Coming soon to a town near you...

  19. smiles

    smiles New Member

    yes TYPING SLOWLY will make all the difference in the world.... soylent you're not witty... your use of logical fallacies almost disturbs me... as illustrated above, it shows that your level of comprehension is only slightly above that of the ordinary trailer trash... so i salute you... u must be quite a celebrity at your camp .... bet u even have a double wide...

    dont try getting your dick all hard on fugly the people that do respond to you do so out of personal amusement and those who dont would certainly find it an exercise in futility.... i tried asking what i thought was a relevant question... in what i thought what was a humorous manner.... your response merely forces me to confirm the suspicion that the second half of the fugly population accessed the situation better then I
  20. Fugly

    Fugly Administrator Staff Member Fugly Staff

    Nursey = Satan. You'll see.

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