Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Fugly, Aug 19, 2005.

  1. oOoGhstoOo

    oOoGhstoOo New Member

    How is yellowsoy ignorant? Its true, not all Jews are Hebrews, and the rest of what he said is History. I dont see anything but facts. Maybe it is the facts which hurt the legitamacy of Israel, and make u feel for Palestinians. If there weren't any muslim terrorists then there would be a Palestinian state. Trajic that terrorists dont realize the effect of terrorism undermines the future of thier own people. Probably why the muslim is his own worst enemy, and make for the perfect target to use and abuse then ignore them because you know they will retaliate in a way, which makes ppl not care what happened initially, but in the aftermath.

    But we live in a world where if u can 'make' a legit claim on territory, and can hold it, its yours. Thats what Israel represents. And also to use God, the all loving and forgiving, to take away from another......palease.......Its all politricks.

    Basically, the muslims in Israel are like the black people before they got thier civil rights, and Israel is a hick state. It will take a Martin Luther King to set things right over there. And there might still be terrorism, but Isreal did take away thier livelihoods, kept them ignorant, and malnurished. So they have a reason to be angry, but regardless, they do act foolishly in regards of trying to get something-aka blow shit up. Maybe if they fed them, and educated them there would be less violence.
  2. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

  3. soylent_greenspan

    soylent_greenspan New Member


    I will repost this link:

    It is a well documented modern history of the State of Israel. It even has pretty pictures so you can understand it, should you have the intellectual honesty to actually click on it. If not, then stfu.
  4. Quirre

    Quirre New Member

    in fact that's exactly what the jewish people have done!!! the only reason why the jews moved in there is because in the bible is written that the promised land (palestina) belonged to the jews. So in 1960 they all decided that they had to live to the bible, so they moved into palestina

    I think you all have relearn the real history behind this all, before judging!!
  5. Dwaine Scum

    Dwaine Scum New Member

    And knowing is half the battle, YO JOE!!!!
  6. oOoGhstoOo

    oOoGhstoOo New Member

    Soylent Span all you can do is spam ur site, and claim ppl mentally inferior. I made simple agreement on the fact that not all Jews are Hebrews, am I wrong? The fact that Isreal was created by the Balfour Declaration was the British way to rally support from American and Russian Jews for the allied war effort. Britain’s main long-term goal was to retain Palestine as a strategic territory after the war. The British had also made vague promises in 1915 and 1916 to support Arab independence in the lands of the former Ottoman Empire in return for Arab support of British forces against the Ottomans. Aided by the Arabs, the British captured Palestine from the Ottomans in 1917 and 1918. Politricks?

    In the early 1880s Eastern European Jews, primarily from Russia and Poland, began to immigrate to the region to escape persecution. By 1914 the Jewish population of Palestine had grown to about 85,000, or about 12 percent of the total population. There was an inflation of immigration because the solution proposed by Theodor Herzl about the anti-semitism in Europe was to create a Jewish state.

    From your site: "Because no other peoples had ever established a national homeland in "Palestine" since the Jews had done it 2,000 years before" - Seems like you need the pretty pictures to understand that because there aren't any THICK lines on a map indicating, or letters spelled out for you saying that there WAS an established homeland after Isreal 2000 years ago. And going for the shittiest part of land in isolation to create thier own law, doesn't make it acceptable.

    The creation of Jewish Palestine and the Arab Palestine as was intened by the British, was a big mistake because muslims consider Jerusalem a holy site as well. So naturally they still want what was already under thier rule.

    I love the supposed very unbiased part of page that has a beautiful twist: Isreal screws up to!!!
    Its about the kindness of a Jewish General after they were victorius in keeping Isreal, he told the muslims they could stay. LOL. Maybe he felt some gratitude to the fact that muslims and Jews lived in harmony in Palestine in the 1880's away from the anti-semitism.

    Other than that, After the creation of Isreal, Arabs went downhill from there. There is no dispute about that.

    The definition of Homeland: A state, region, or territory that is closely identified with a particular race or ethnic group. We can rule out the race dispute and that leaves us with an idea, Judaism
  7. Yellow_Soy

    Yellow_Soy New Member

    And soylent i must also inform u that under the rule of the Arabs, Jews were allowed to enter Palistine freely and were given complete freedoms that were given to their arab neighbors...

    ALSO, they lived in peace for then y would the jews what a JEWISH state? What difference would it make if the state was run by arabs or jews? NONE

    but the Zionists had to have it their way...NOT only that..

    British gave it over...was it british land? i dont think any pale face brits were speading the word of islam in 600 AD, i dont think there were any Pale face brits travelling with jesus tehre were ARABS, if ur gonna sit there and tell me the land wasnt the Arabs land then please...shut up and stop spreading wasnt the hebrews land either...if u want to get technical then the land, like i said before, belonged to the Assyrians, because they populated it first, the land was populated by arabs for thousands of years, the only time jews populated it were during roman times when the Kings sent them there to get them out of their own land....the torah, bible, quran is all bullshit propaganda, and if a people are gonna use a book thousands of years old to say a land belongs to them, they should be shot
  8. Quirre

    Quirre New Member

    no, but it made you understand the situation, and why it was not right for the jews to take the land, before you judge
  9. soylent_greenspan

    soylent_greenspan New Member

    ghostpoo. i have 3 important points:

    A) it is A site, not mine. I have no affiliation with it, its author or anything. I found it by searching on the topic.

    2) I claimed that you are mentally inferior because my perception is you had a preconceived opinion of the situation and only viewed the "evidence" that supported your opinion. If you really have studied the situation with an open mind then I apologize for calling you stupid. That would only make you a fool for coming to the wrong conclusion. Normally I wouldn't be such an asshole about it, but when someone writes 6 incoherent paragraphs on an issue but can't be bothered with the extra keystrokes to type "you are" instead of "ur" I think it's safe to assume they live in their mother's basement and sniff their sister's dirty panties.

    iv) yellowsoy is a fucking retarded cocksucker.


    Oh, PS...Martin...more tits, less drunk assholes, please.
  10. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    hmm.. a lot of great and open minds in the world are mulling over this and coming to different conclusions... while your second sentence (that i quoted) shows that you looked at it without an open mind.. you are calling someone a fool for coming up with a different conclusion than you...

    now hurry up and accuse me of cognitive dissonance again ... hey and while 'ur' at it why not call me a retarded cocksucker who sniffs my sisters panties in my mothers basement... i'm sure that would raise the intellectual bar of this debate a few notches
  11. Yellow_Soy

    Yellow_Soy New Member

    i must say your ability to put together a sentense of insults is vastly better than mine...with this in mind i must say suck my mother fucking cock u fucking retarded son of a bitch

    now that i got that out of my system...please tell me why me and poo are idiots please?

    if i must place a bet i would say you are either a zionist, racist, conservative, or a disgusting batch of all three.
  12. soylent_greenspan

    soylent_greenspan New Member

    This isn't a debate. Calling it a debate implies that you are both informed and can be swayed by logic. The only thing I see here is misinformation, twisted reasoning, and the stereotypical anti-intellectual ploy of marginalizing anyone who doesn't regurgitate your tired spin.

    I've read here that people actually believe the Israelis are the aggressors, that they keep those of other faiths from attending religious sites under their control, and that before the UN forced the poor defenseless "Palestinians" out of the land the Arabs peacefully coexisted with the Jews. All of those statements are patently absurd and incorrect. Unfortunately people like you lap up that vomit like the good little media lapdogs you are.

    But don't pay attention to me. I can't possibly have anything to say because I am a Zionist/Jew/Conservative/Necrophiliac/Mormon/Republican/etc. If any of those things mean "someone who thinks for himself" then call me what you want.

    Here are a few more sites of interest if you have any desire to educate yourselves:
  13. soylent_greenspan

    soylent_greenspan New Member

    yellow soy

    "UR" an idiot for a lot of reasons, but the first one that strikes me is "UR" inability to spell the word "sentence"
  14. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    no.. calling it a debate implies that both sides will offer their points of views (while keeping the personal insults smartly subtle) and at the end the nation gets to choose a winner
  15. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    oh, and like i said previously.. lots of minds all over the world have mulled over this problem and come to different conclusions, and as a result i could post an equal number of sites that will different 'regurgitated spin' on the situation than the ones you posted..

    but well done on finding a well designed geoshitties site.. not that you win any debate dollars
  16. asmodaie

    asmodaie New Member


    You're all fighting over a completely ridiculous point in a totally meaningless conflict ( oh, sorry, Arab-Israeli Cleansing ( for you zealous types ) ).

    I've got a totally great idea.

    Don't give a damn about what goes on there.

    Let them all kill eachother off, good for them.

    Both sides are contributing to the length of this fight, there is no arguing that. It's a never-ending game of Battleship. Terrorist kills self and small Café, Israeli tanks blow apart Palestinian tent. Rinse, and repeat.

    I hope that either all the Palestinians will be consumed by their local terrorist leaders and dwindle their numbers to 0, or that the idiotic zealots in Israeli nuke the crap out of some tent 10 feet away from "their" land and die of the subsequent fallout.

    Seriously, it's gone a litte too far. Israelis whine, Palestinians whine, they should seriously just get together, pop in Linkin Park, and cut their own wrists in all their Emo glory.

    Israelis and Palestinians. Either kill the other one, yourselves, whatever. Just end it ALL, or grow up.

    I'm getting tired of the news all being the same.

    Oh, and as for that extremely biased website you pointed out, soylent. Get a better site. You know, one that has the facts for both sides of the conflict at once. One that doesn't have the word Jihad, fascist, or "The Palestinians were a regional group of Arabs having virtually no cultural nor national distinctive traits separating them from Syrians, Lebanese, and Jordanians. They are all basically Arabs! "

    You wanna know what, smartass? You're all Semites. Yup. Semites. Do you even know what that means?

    I love it when a Jew calls an Arab an Anti-Semite.

    (Taken from
    Main Entry: Sem·ite
    Pronunciation: 'se-"mIt, esp British 'sE-"mIt
    Function: noun
    Etymology: French sémite, from Semitic Shem, from Late Latin, from Greek SEm, from Hebrew ShEm
    1: a member of any of a number of peoples of ancient southwestern Asia including the Akkadians, Phoenicians, Hebrews, and Arabs

    Nice going, ass.

    Common misconception is that Hebrew is the same as Jewish. Everyone gets that wrong. No big deal, except when you start to talk as if you know everything.

    So. The Hebrew people are the "ancient Jews." But, thanks to a lot of Mengele-style crossbreading, Modern day Jews are well, not that Hebrew...

    Let's take another look at that definition of Semite though.

    Hmm. Nothing about Jews in there.

    Wonderful. Not only are "Jews" not even really Semites, but they're accusing Semites of being Anti-Semitic. Congratulations.

    Where do Semites come from? Where did all human life start?

    In conclusion, they should all die, all of them, they've all taken it too far, OR, they should slit their own wrists while listening to the Meteora album, OR, give it back to their black brothers down in the Congo, because, technically, it's all theirs.


  17. Your Friend Whipone

    Your Friend Whipone New Member

    Oh snap!

  18. oOoGhstoOo

    oOoGhstoOo New Member

    Isreal exists, and is gonna be there for good. *Fireworks* The Jewish people can rest assured thier belief of reclaiming Isreal will probably remain fulfulled till the end of time as we know it. But their presence creates a lot of hate. Why? I basically presented the facts as to why Palestinian hate is of natural concquence to the Jewish presence. The Palestinian reaction is irrational, but unfortunately terrorist tactics is considered normal and a religious duty-misinterpretation-. How can you blame oppressed (Oppression by thier own fanatical beliefs oppressing each other, and thier dire sitaution) ignorance for what it is? This is the harsh concequnce the Isreali right to be a state might have to endure for a long while.

    Logic? You want logic? I dont think you want a logical debate over whether Isreal should have existed, because it shouldnt. Why is this topic so important? Well, to spell it out for you... the lack of validity to the Jewish claim for a Jewish state creates a lot of hate. The concequence.

    1. How can logic explain the irrational concept of God to dictate any rightful claims?

    2. The race dispute would be another alternative claim for a jewish 'homeland'. Like stated before, the majority of Jews are no more of that ethnicity. So therefore, from a racial perspective, that is not thier homeland.

    So logically speaking, they do not have a legit claim.

    3. Political Conflict: Both, Jews and Arabs were made promises after the war for Palestinian land- moreso for Arabs, an Independant Palestine. You can blame the British.

    The truth may justify hate, but the slaughter of innocence is unjustifiable. If there wasn't any terrorism there would be a Palestinian state, which is the condition putting the peace process on halt.

    Oh btw Whats this about my mom's basment, sniffing what? Where u raised in hickville, and thats what daddy taught u? Dont project ur insecurities onto me, because my mom, she passed away, and me and my one thousand clan members share yours.

    You wanted a reaction right? I hope ur pleased.

  19. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    The Bible said that the Great Tribulation would start with the signing of a peace agreement between Israel and her neighbors. Shortly thereafter shit gets bad. With China and Russia displaying their might with their war games named "Peace Mission 2005", all these planes mysteriously crashing with important people all over the world, all military leave being cancelled after september 7th over here, unexplained energy blasts hitting our atmosphere from the south causing severe climate changes, the sun being more active now than its ever been in recorded history, dead fish washing up on our shores by the millions, and all the earthquake activity, I really have to say it's coming. No doubt about it. The world is changing, for the worse. And 'they' don't want you to know about it. The truth is there won't be enough food to feed the billions of people in the world, much less the diabetic/obese/lazy/crazy/fast-food-eating/stupid/self-centered/ghetto millions of worthless Americans.
  20. smurfslappa

    smurfslappa New Member

    oh, and I almost forgot and on that website, read the articles by Sorcha Faal. I don't think she's actually a person, but rather a pen name a group of individuals that are too scared to reveal their real names are writing under.

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