Discussion in 'More Serious Topics' started by Fugly, Aug 19, 2005.

  1. soylent_greenspan

    soylent_greenspan New Member

  2. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    and if you read the article (you stupid fuck of course i read the article i linked to :roll: ) you will see that it was a decision made secretly by civil servants and elected ministers weren't consulted or informed... who knows.. probably the same cabal of civil servants who were the engineers of the balfour agreement

    i wonder if they went to sunday school :wink:
  3. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    from that site...

    funny that... i heard that jews sacrifice christian babies to use their blood in matzos.. etc etc etc...

    frankly i'd rather not educate myself using that site.. but thanks for joining in the discussion :) :)
  4. soylent_greenspan

    soylent_greenspan New Member

    The page I linked to was quite well researched and documented. I don't see why it matters that an editorialized comment elsewhere on the site makes it invalid. My guess is it is a case of cognitive dissonance on your part.

    Here is one that you may consider "well balanced", which is my way of saying "doesn't have the balls to exercise common sense and make a conclusion".
  5. Tal

    Tal New Member

    My Voice

    Wow my god i hope that email was a joke....for your sake.

    My name is Tal im an israeli citizen who moved to canada several years ago, i visit israeli frequently, i am proud and love my country, and most of my family lives there. I've decided to confront your email in parts. Here i go!

    " atrocities that are being committed in Gaza as we speak."

    My friend this is not suffering, the israeli's have given gaza up in hopes of finding a balance for peace, most and many of Gaza's occupients have left extremly peacefully, thoes protesters you see on t.v. are no more than professional protesters whom come from all around the world to protests something that many of them do not know much about. By "handing" Gaza over to palestinens israel gains a few advantages, one of the main ones being that now israel can show the world how un-cooperative the palestines are (this will clearly be seen after the first new wave of attacks, which are destined to come since i consider palestinens to be a terrorist run people)
    And i must clearly state the the israeli soldiers are taking the citizens out of gaza unarmed, unlike americans whom deal wiht protesters with water cannons, tear gas, batons, and rubber bullets. The protesters are being carried out and loaded onto buses where they are temporarly restraint till they are transported out of Gaza.

    "This forced eviction from our homeland is nothing short of another Holocaust at the hands of that Nazi, Sharon "

    For this part of your email all i can say is, HOW FUCKING DARE YOU! First of all very few if any lives have been lost in this "eviction" of Gaza, AND TO CALL IT ANOTHER HOLOCAUST!
    I HOPE YOUR KIDDING I SERIOSULY DO! well over a million jews died in the holocaust, and you dare compare the "eviction" of citizens from gaza another holocaust, please... you have no idea what your talking about!

    "I know that you are also Jewish and that you share my views on this. "

    I'm also jewish, israeli, and eductated. and I can sure as hell tell you I dont share your views, they are distorted. Get the facts before you decide to voice your opinion. I hope in the future you become more educated and become less ignorant, beacuse the worlds Jewish population definetly does not share your opinion.

    So thank you Rebekkah, for not only making a fool of yourself, but for allowing me to voice my opinion.

    I also firmly belive that land is rightfully israels but sometimes sacrifices must be made in order to one day achieve peace.

  6. StrangelyBrown

    StrangelyBrown Member

    time for a LOLOCAUST!
  7. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Unimpressed with you, yes I am. (You don't like green eggs and ham.)

    Dr Suess - not Yoda

  8. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    Hey pimpichichi: If you have nothing to contribute other than crap like this, why don't you just keep it to yourself? I think that article was very concise and informative. If you have information that refutes anything you read in it, I'm sure we would all be very interested to hear it.

    Making up ridiculous shit like, "Gay Vampire Pedophile Rapist, Arafat..." etc. etc. does nothing but make you look a little bit stupid.

    This is to everyone else: Regarding that artile on, that was a lot of information to digest and, to be fair, it was very pro-Israel. Does anyone else have the same chain of events from an Arab/Palestinian perspective or can we all agree that what was in that article is fact?
  9. pimpchichi

    pimpchichi Active Member

    yes, and it was a direct quote from the front page of that site... i certainly agree that it was ridiculous shit and makews the site look a little bit stupid...

    it's kind of like if i decided to link to a page on that had very informative and accurate looking 'facts' to back up a claim that blacks are stupid, hispanics are lazy and jews are taking over the world
  10. JEFE

    JEFE New Member

    I didn't see that. You're right. I don't think that lends a whole lot of credibility to the article then.
  11. ucicare

    ucicare Active Member

    Don't be too quick to apologize Jefe. While I concede that the style of writing is biased and inflamatory, it may still be the truth.

    There is a great amount of credible evidence that Arafat had sex with men and children. He very likely died of AIDS. He proudly admits to being a murderer. Right or wrong, he was a slimy sort.

    Sharon is no angel either. I am not saying that Israel is "righteous", because it is not. All I am saying here is that the article may not be that whacked, so don't be too quick to dismiss it.

  12. Yellow_Soy

    Yellow_Soy New Member

    Many have said this and that about the "Jews" being there first and the Palistinians being there first...and frankly look it up. Jews are not Hebrews.Judaism is a religion, Hebrew is a ethnicity. Many of todays jews are not hebrews. They have "interbred" for lack of a better word lol with other ethnicities...they are like the jackson whites of new jersey or the mulattoes during slavery times.

    Also...who was there first? You cant say that. If u want to get technical, the land was Palistine before 1948, so it was the PALISTINIANS who were there first.

    Dont get me wrong im not sayin' give it all to palestine etc etc, but the Gaza Strip, West Bank, and Golan Heights belong to their respective owners. Its not fair. I would say the same if Lebanon somehow took Isreal, then give it back....

    My point is that i believe there should be two states living there, a Palistinian one and a Isreali one.
  13. Yellow_Soy

    Yellow_Soy New Member

    ohyea i meant to write that the Assyrians were there first...of those ethnicities still does that mean the UN should send all the Assyrians to where Isreal is located surrently and have them set up shop? no because that is wrong, same wayit was fucked up in 1948 to give the jews a state jsutbecause of the holocaust...

    if that doesnt spell fucked up i dont know what. The forced exile of millions of arabs because 6 million jews got killed...also i argue with that number because i dont believe it was that seems hyped up....

    But the hebrew thing was meant as Hebrews Biblically were there first....But todays Jews arent yesteryears hebrews...they are nothing liek them because of interethnic marriage
  14. StrangelyBrown

    StrangelyBrown Member

    If you want to take it that far then America is owned by the native indians so why and Australia by the aboriginies (sp?). Bottom line people move, the world needs to fucking deal with it, i have some fucking asshole neighbours but do the UN kick them out? fat fucking chance, now where's Rez i need to dump a load
  15. StrangelyBrown

    StrangelyBrown Member

    Please blame beer for the lack of coherence and spelling of my posts, fuck i hate being old
  16. oOoGhstoOo

    oOoGhstoOo New Member

    The Native solution

    Since Natives live in a democratic society oppressed by the masses muting thier voice, the natives should inflate thier population, until they outnumber any majority. Sure they can reach some level of power in the goverment, but we are talking about the aboriginal president here in the distant future! They need a majority to vote for him.

    Btw, the Iroqoius had a constitution identical to the American one today, before America was established. They deserve the recognition, and America could use a wise Native President.
  17. Oirova

    Oirova New Member

    I just happen to get interest on this subject today.

    I think that any time you use God as an excuse to gain personal I repeat personal saddisfaction is wrong. So when somebody that comes up with the excuse that God told them or gave them or anything else to gain something personal I question and don't trust.

    And as history tell us it never works because the same God that you have being using all along is going to take it away from you.

    Is not rigth to kill, destroy or make anyone suffer hiding behind God, even if they are pure evil and anyone that follow that leader is either ignorant or has no clue what God is all about.
    We are all the same in the eyes of God we are supposed to give not take.

    What ever else is said in the name of God if it is not about love and forgiveness sorry but you are serving a different master.
  18. soylent_greenspan

    soylent_greenspan New Member

    Yellow soy your ignorance is astounding.

    There is already a "Palestinian" state in the mid-east. It is called Jordan.
  19. Yellow_Soy

    Yellow_Soy New Member

    um...was that a joke or are you serious...?

    if you are serious...then you are a asshole...

    if u are jokin...then its a good joke lol

    kharaalaik ya menyak
  20. soylent_greenspan

    soylent_greenspan New Member

    Yes, I am an asshole, but that is beside the point.

    Why do people like you choose ignorance with all of the information at your fingertips? I posted 2 excellent links with information on the history and reality of Israel. I did the work for you but you STILL know nothing.

    Congratulations on your extra chromosome


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