I have a nerd friend that is on the development Team of clam http://www.clamwin.com/ , anyway, its the best scanner ever, it found 4 virii on my PC that panda, or AVG missed, and removed them with ease, only downside, no live time monorting, just a scanner... so keep panda, or avg, or avast, just use clam when you get real naties... its free, what you got to lose?
why you gotta be a dick? Im trying to be nive, and you wanna be a douce... Yes you lose your virginity if you use this free program... now throw yourself in front of a bus
Clamwin is the shit (maybe even the shizzle nizzle). I use it all the time. Plus it's free and open to the public. Just like most of you.
yeah it does some really cool shit... I was talking, and they are working on a realtime scaner now... I can't wait until its done
Yeah. I think the current version is like 0.8.something. It takes a little while, but it's a really detailed scan. I don't know the guys or anything, but buzz on sourceforge is about working towards a "smartscan" too, where it speeds up scanning by skipping things that haven't changed since last scan. Probably I'm oversimplifying because I know exaclty jack and shit about programming (except in VB, which a retarded monkey can use). It's nice to see a usefull OS product once in a while. Most open source shit is all like, "This code library is useful for python x.cobol programmers who want to easily manipulate .jackass files in a linix red hat environment." Thank God for clamwin and freaking firefox.