Hey, thought that'd get everyone's attention... What the fuck's been going on, y'all? A quick fill-in on my world since my last post (apparently a year or more according to the fugly search mechanism)... Been with this chick for almost a year, still at the same job (albeit a new location since they closed the store across the fucking street from me), still pondering the existence of that large, luminescent ball of fire that hangs in the sky for no more than twelve hours each day, and still getting drunk on a regular basis. Who's still here? Pimp, Nursey, GAS, Nauseous, IMC, Cheezedawg, IHN, Rat, PsychoBob, fuck... too drunk to type all these fucking names, how about a roll call? (don't feel bad if your name wasn't mentioned, btw - some times you just gotta be a nigga)
Speaking of forgetting - don't feel bad if I forgot any of y'all - it's either because I'm too drunk right now, or you just weren't that fucking interesting to remember. Nothing personal.
BTW, Schmed - I didn't want to mention you on the first round because I thought they'd find out about our little homo thing... That's why I sent this PM so that nobody else would see...
Congrats on your achievement, IMC. I'm sure you're proud of your new birth. Ulf - ditto (minus the videogaming fag bit)...
I've been mainly buying JAMMA boards to put into my P.O.W. cabinet, as it's already set-up for 2 players, 8-way sticks, 3 buttons ea. So far, I've got P.O.W., Super Dodge Ball, Tetris, Final Fight, and Ninja Gaiden in there. Thinking about making a MAME cab so I don't have to fuck with the boards, though. Been kinda busy lately with things, so I haven't been fucking with my games all that much.
Been busy with things?!?! Just say you've been banging the crap out of that hottie and it's all good dude.