So you come from a place, Where Ass rape is the norm. Do to the fact it was used as a prison. Explains your poor english, Bunch of apes.
OK, now you're making me laugh at you. First of all, what the fuck is with the capital letters after each comma? Do you have a mental twitch that causes your pinky to periodically jump on the shift key? And you have the gall to criticise my English. Also, did you mean "due"? And last but not least, we use British English; i.e. the original English. Go back to "Grade School", dumbfuck.
Anyhow ... back to the topic. How many bullets could Bush hold? I'd say a full clip into each of 'em, easy.
Well judging by the content of Grimjesus's first 15 or so posts, I think it's safe to say most of us will be skipping any post with his name in front of it.
This right here is prime pounding material. Seeing her put you in your place, so domineering, man i wish my penis was bigger than a maggot
I suspect "Reper" is a simple typo. You know, where you accidentally miss a key? Like ths? But since we're playing slam the typo, may I point out yet again that the glass house you're living in is already potted with holes? Namely: Sentences should begin with capital letters. And the word "that" in your barely literate post is redundant. Grim, very grim indeed.
Look, for fuck's sake. Your plethora of spelling errors is easy enough to wade through, but your persistent use of "too" when you mean "to" demonstrates comprehensive ignorance. Here's a rule even simple enough for you to follow Grimmy: If you're not sure, it's probably "to".