I wouldn't piss in my father's mouth if his teeth were aflame. But to the rest of you fathers, a mosty happy and jolly Father's Day. Deck the halls with boughs of holly ....
I got drunk and threw up. Happy Father's Day to me indeed. I bought myself GTA San Andreas last week for Father's day.
Is it just me or do all holidays seem made up. That, or subsumed by Christianity because the pagans wouldn't stop practices. Anyhoo, go out. Spend money. Nothing is wrong. Shame on you for thinking otherwise.
Father's Day is a holiday in the US? And don't be telling me Christmas is made up. Santa didn't die on the cross for nothing, you ignorant fuck.
Bwahahaha!!!!! Let's not forget CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS day! A fabulous "holiday" that teaches our children the more noble aspects of colonizing, raping and pillaging native peoples! Like Iraq!
Whatever. If the white man could do it in the early part of the Americas and the Dutch could do it in South Africa, the British with the Irish, I think with enough time --and money-- it not only can be done, it will be done.
A spectacular sweeping vista of history of there Sam. I am assuming that once Iraq is 'colonised' you will be amongst the first of the 'intrepid few' staking your claim of land in this New Babylon? Or are you talking bollocks? Again.
Nowhere in my statement did I refer to liking what's going on in Iraq, nor do I want to be attached to what's going on there. You misunderstood. Again.