This gives new meaning to the term 'hookers'. Knowing what a concerned and security-conscious husband and father Barry (Barry? BARRY!!!! ~Baaaaaarrrehhhhhhh~ Barrybarrybarrybarrybarr...) is, i wouldn't be surprised if he has Bugs, Holly and the...other... one ( still 'gestating' in the padded 'nursery' chamber awaiting release ) fitted with such a device, perhaps along with some of these just for good measure.
I can't tell if that is real or not. Tell me it isn't so, and if it is, tell me it wasn't Barry who designed it.
He needs to stop with it already. It seems that he somehow avoids a direct hit though. Interesting... :?
Yes, emotes can be oh-so-scintillating the first time around, Gareth, but I must implore you to put the little shiny, happy retards away now.
Well i saw 36 a few minutes ago...maybe he's invited the whole congregation to inspect the latest in anti-whoring straightjacket technology.
Oh, is that your new ploy? Self-deprecation in hopes no one will see through the 11 year old that lurks behind your wannabe pom-pom personality? Yay, TEAM!