Yearbook to be reprinted over 'black girl' caption Associated Press WAXAHACHIE — A North Texas school district is having four pages of its high school yearbook reprinted to correct a photo caption that identified a student as "Black Girl." All white students are identified by name in the photograph of Waxahachie High School's chapter of the National Honor Society. The teen identified as "Black Girl" is the only black student in the photo. The district apologized for the mistake after the yearbooks were distributed. The label apparently was meant to be a placeholder until the yearbook staff could track down the student's name, district spokeswoman Candace Ahlfinger said. Ahlfinger said today that administrators have asked the publisher to reprint the affected page, its companion page in a two-page layout, and those two pages' back pages. "We will never be able to minimize this damage, but this will change it so that it is not a constant reminder, so it won't be a forever," Ahlfinger told the Waxahachie Daily Light. Students will be asked to bring in their yearbooks so the old pages can be torn out and the new ones glued in, Ahlfinger said. The district expects to have the reprinted pages by Wednesday. The last day of school is Thursday.
I was on the train going to a Cubs/Sox game and I pissed off some black dude. I was telling a story to my friends about how the blacks kids run down the alley next to my house and chase the rabbits all over the bejesus. He took offense and turned around and stared at me and mumbled some 'racist sdfdf blah sheit" at us. WTF? I said "black kids" not nigger children. I think we have become too sensitive as a society. I should have said "kids" but that is just how I talk. I wasn't being mean. blah
Well, is "black" a derogatory statement now? I dunno, if someone called kids "white kids" I wouldn't be offended just because I'm white.
No. But. You're still a reprehensible piece of dung; while we're onthe subject of race... To say "I hate you" is juvenile; no, I truly despise you-- you deny your own heritage, STEIN, and yet you grovel for your bitch who spews anti-semitic remarks. You're the sham.[/b]
If a black guy said "a bunch of white kids were running all over my yard", it wouldn't sound to you like he thought the fact that they were white was relevant?
At least you didn't call them "colored". They get all kinds of pissed off for that. I don't see what the big deal is. An adjective is an adjective.
That's using it as a verb. "Whoo-eee! That's there's one niggered-up car." Now that's using it as an adjective. (Albeit a compound one.) Always glad to help. 8)
I would say grammar (you were right the first time) and punctuation are separate. One is about word order, and the other is about commas, full-stops and shit. Why don't we see what the dictionary has to say? Here's punctuation. And here's grammar. A HA!