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Jul 8, 2001
Jul 8, 2001
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Jan 1, 1900 (Age: 124)

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leaderofman was last seen:
Jul 8, 2001
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    Jan 1, 1900 (Age: 124)


    he Dentist<br /> the last time i went to the dentist, i had to get a tooth pulled.. the dentist told me after that, that i should really brush my teeth more.. he then demonstrated how to brush my teeth properly.. i watched him for a while and then said "Hey asshole, what kind of retard do you take me for? i know how to brush my teeth!.. oh i see, you think your better than me because your a dentist!".. the dentist then started to tell me how he just wanted to help me out.. and he didn't mean any disrespect.. "yeah well fuck you" i said "i don't need some jackass kook dentist, telling me how to run my life! why don't you just kiss my ass!" the dentist then asked "don't you want to have nice teeth like mine?"... i ran from his office crying, knowing that i would never have as good of teeth as him... so, i took a pear of pliers and pulled out all of my teeth.. then i did the same to my dog.. i then inserted the dogs teeth into my empty tooth sockets... i waited till it was late, and i followed that dentist home.. when he got out of his car i yelled "hey! check out my teeth now!'.. i then bit off his face, and most of his genitalia.. i love my new teeth.. <br />i brush them every day. <br />Click here for a great musical number. <br />this takes a while to load so open in another window and check out the site while it loads