we havent done this in forever, why not again? Ill go first: any way you get the idea, Im fat, ugy and tattooed... your turn
And Dwaine, you have the cheek to slag my pics!!!!!!!! :shock: Only kidding, you are very beautiful xx
As soon as I see a picture of Nursey and Pimp together, I will post a picture of me and Bugs. Deal? Barry
Here is a pic of Myself and My younger cousin, I'm in the blue shirt and fresh bed head. Enjoy! (note: Sans DDSIM moustache, the dream was quashed in it's infancy) [img=http://img128.echo.cx/img128/6420/imga06117ma.jpg]
no deal... if nursey or i posted a pic of us together (and some do exist!!) then it would be because we wanted to do it... not to see a pic of you and your wascally wife... which ranks pretty low on my 'must see' list
Too bad you weren't here to see their "fun with paint" pics in the SS forum. there was no doubt at all that they were together :shock: here i am with a CADAVER. Mia, now you know.