There is an old saying that goes like this: "when you look into hell, hell looks into you". The quote is attributed to Neicher, but Neicher never looked beyond the hell of his own mind. I have a dangerous job, one that deals with the uncomfortable and unpleasant side of life. My brothers and sisters include Firemen, Police Officers, Soldiers, Medical Professionals, there are others. When you look into the eyes of violence and evil, you either look away and run, or you fight. When you look into the eyes of death itself, you can shy away or you can go to work. It is a lonely road for those of us who live in the abyss of reality, those who must face the ugly truths of life. Most of our friends and families don't understand us, how could they? Sometimes we fall victim to depression or addiction, and there is always a feeling of being alone. I have managed to stay sane, but I have had help. If you are afraid of blood, or death, or violence, don't come anywhere near the abyss, leave that to those of us who have proven ourselves. Yet should you find yourself in dire need, we will be there.
Back? Never left the Abyss my brother, I live in the Valley of the Shadow of Death. Come on, you can do better than that!
Why don't you use english as a tool to dig a hole then craw down it ? Then use symbolism and rhyme to create some shovels to fill it in. Hi , pleased to meet you , I'm Derrick .
Hey chinaman , I feel I may have been a bit mean spirited in my last few posts , I'm sure your just a human like me , with wants and needs , and a desire to communicate your emotions . I apologise and extend my friendship to you even if I have to disguise it behind crude and derogatory remarks I have nothing but love for my fellow human and animal foul alike.
I also love my fellow humans, except for those I hate, and the vast number I don't know. Good to meet my fellow warriors!! The chinaman part is not a slur, just a fact. I have seen enough death to appreciate life, heard enough lies to value the rare truth, and looked evil in the eye and knocked it on its ass a time or two. When my time is up I shall not die in a bed, but on my feet with my eyes wide open, and fighting, always fighting.
Oh....k .. Pretty dramatic life you live there Spiderman . Is there anything you do that isn't met with perils and dangerous life threatening decisions or is even going to the toilet a case of battling the forces of evil into submission and conquering mans internal feel of having a crap for you ?
Oh, hey Russian Dick. You mean is my life boring, like a nine to five shift at the local dollar general, then back to Mom's basement for a rollicking game of Skyrim or WOW till mommie tucks me in? Sounds like fun, but I leave the mastery of the mundane to you! I am tank rider, and sword maker. I know what gun powder smells like in the morning, and yes, I do fight evil while using the toilet. Usually I just hit the lever and evil vanishes.
oooh….e’s getin RITE bitchy now innee!must be ard like-avin t look death n that in the eye each time ye go t flush the fuckn bog tho!!!!!!!!thatd put the fuckin be-shiters up me like an am no even kidding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I can see what the problem is here Green Goblin , see your interests seem to be riding tanks and battling the forces of evil were as mine are pornography and beer ,peter parker old pal, and we have failed to find any common ground , thus have resorted to slander , I see this as a failing on my part as a human being silver surfer , for what is the use of perpetuating ill feeling ? So lex luther here is the type of response I assume you desired "ooww tanks ! That's interesting ! Tell me more !" How's that clark kent ,better ?
Well, someone is a comic fan! The whole point about posting here is to express yourself, either about the stark reality of the real world, superheroes, porn, and beer, or weird gibberish involving stars, oddly abbriviated curse words, and exclamation marks. Each to his own! While the Eastern European Phallus is watching, drinking, and whacking, I'll be putting on the old body armor, pistol, and hitting the street. Kinda like batman, but without the butler and homoerotic teenage ward. As for comics, I always was a punisher fan myself, but that should have been obvious.
well i fer 1 am fuckin releived ass fuck yer just sum tooled up nerdy fuckwitt tha romes the streets thinkin es well 'ard!!!!the last person ad want t see inna REEL fuckin emergencie like when m'fuckin uteris fell reet oot wud b *U* ya fuckin nechier spraffin turd-warrior chink!!!! a wudna ha sed big mama wassa star unless if ye count er popularitty rown ere as a golden shower luvvn piss gluggin diva!!!!!!PMSL!!!!!!!!!!!) x x x
Princess Castratia, as I've said, don't sweat the Chinaman stuff. That's something I call myself because it's true, I'm Chinese, and I'm not sensitive about it. As to the continuous retarded insulting by you and soviet penis, I will take care of that shortly, but answering posts from a smart phone is, well, stupid! I need to get to a real keyboard, so have a good and safe evening! And don't forget to brush your teeth (oh, sorry! Brits don't have those, do they?)