Yeah, dude, yourself. You SUCK. AND, you've got your head stuck in a bag full of scum, ever since you were conceived. It actually is filling up your head. Now you can and suck some elephants fat d*cks. Don't forget to wipe your mouth after. Or, you'd better NOT and then go kiss your ma. I look forward to seeing you die of diarrhea even before you get to open your cheesy 'n tacky Xmas' presents. By the by, pls send me your pic, so I can stick it in my toilet.
Hey Joe, I think this guy wants your picture so he can wank to it. Be careful, you know how sneaky this commies are....
This is hilarious I don't think I need to engage this guy just keep bumping this thread. I mean his own words are the best insult I can think of. Here look this guy who recently calls himself "Comrade John" says : Sad isn't it?
So why do the commies hate the messenger? Obama Promised 5-Day, Public Review of Bills Before Signing; Signs Tax Bill Within Hours of House Vote Obama's approval now at 40% LOL And how do the comrades plan to try to stop the messenger? So how about the economy these days under Obama? And what of the NOW ultra wealthy Democrat majority leader Senator Harry Reid's home state? Nevada jobless rate rises to 14.3 percent But regardless of all this we need to elect the commies to avoid the earth from igniting like a match-head thanks to evil republican caused global warming right? Coldest December since records began as temperatures plummet to minus 10C bringing travel chaos across Britain And you know the commie democrats always bring love and peace to the world right? North Threatens More Attacks...... says war would go nuclear... So what are the Democrats doing for America in their last few days of power before leaving the posts they were fired from? And we all know it takes a commie... uhum I mean a Democrat to bring world peace by compromising with .... commies. ....right? LOL But this Commie John guy. Boy he really showed me though.
I stick it in my toilet, YOU wank to it. Pranker. Get it now, you 1st grader? Aren't you ashamed of under-performing in basic reading to a Commie? LMAROL Do you need a Commie to teach you reading? LMAROL Being sneaky it's right a quality everyone associates with a... uh, Salamander, right? Right! The two of you make a good pair. You wank to one another. Like, he's a pig's turd and you're the fly on it. Happy you've finally found someone to love in your miserable lifes!
Hey Shitlogic, very happy you read my message! As twice is better than once, I'll autoquote so as to make sure you really get my message, you turd; not like your gay friend who can't read properly (what a shame for the gay community, by the by). Here it goes (I'm confident that with due training and enough time you'll be able to learn it by heart): Gosh, we're really quite several people laughing our @sses real out loud at you, shitslogic! And pls, shitslogic, don't mistake us Commies with them Dems... Oooooopssssss, maybe that's too much for your unicelular brain Anyway, I don't care; I just want you to keep jumping for more bananas. Come on, little ape, jump! jump! Come fetch them bananas, little ape, jump! jump!
Right. I dont think holding Joes picture up with one hand in your shitter is the same as sticking it in your toilet. With your rambling senseless posts you could be referring to your arse as far as I know. Do you need an AMERICAN to teach you grammar?
Oh, looks like I touched a sensitive zone here! If they're so rambling and senseless and referring to my arse, why do you read them? They're adressed to shitslogic anyway, so why it should bother you? Oh, but wait! You're his personal wanker, lover and defender! I am American and Communist, and I love both. And you don't qualify to teach ANYTHING. I could tell you to go and get a life, but I can see that your life is wankig shitslogic. Poor little boy, can't defend himself. So he calls the other monkey and the two of them are now jumping for more bananas. Comme on, you little apes, keep on jumping! Jump, jump, jump for bananas, you little apes!
I'm actually bored and reading your ramblings is amusing. I like how you get all worked up and your spelling and grammar go to crap. Maybe if you slowed down and thought before you typed it would make more sense, but then what fun would that be? Trying to push your homo-erotic fantasies on others is a real cry for help. Hey, it's okay if you're gay. The first step to self recovery is admission. You'll be looked down on just the same for being an idiot, not for being a pole smoker.
Nope, YOU are the one who started with homo-erotic fantasies, not me. So YOU are the one pushing your homo-erotic fantasies on others, not me. Is shitslogic OK with this? I'm sure he is. Hey, so it's true what they told me, that you'are able to give head to shitslogic AND type stuff at the same time. Impressive! If you weren't that "bored", perhaps on top of that you could paint your self-portrait with a brush up your @rse! Want more bananas? Come for more!
Wow it took you a while to come up with that. You must have had to email one of your smart friends to get a reply. I dont know if you are a guy or a girl, so the wank comment was ambiguous. Unless you are a hermaphradite, in that case it is funny and you can go fuck yourself....
Did it ever happen to you to be able to think that people using internet are very likely to live in a time zone different from yours? No, of course, you just can't think (except of shitslogic's cock, of course). You don't need to worry, we all know here how ambiguous you are . That's why you pair so well with your beloved shitslogic.
Stop looking yourself at the mirror, you ignorant cunt! Oh, what the hell, you were born schizoid and bipolar anyway. Since you're at it, instead of trying to put a new chuck norris face, why don't you try putting an intelligent face, just for a change? Your ex-boyfriend published a picture of you here. Look! --> (Oops, sorry; I mistook you for your dad. Your picture's right here --> And what about your mom? --> (By the by, I'm glad you bought your mam new panties, if she only washed them -and herself- a bit more often it would be perfect). And no, I won't let you suck my cock, you make disgusting slurping noises. But you can place an advert in the People's World ( Oops, sorry, 'tis true somebody like you is more likely to read the News of the World only. But even that is too complicated for you. Turd!
A forum troll? With a name like Comrade John and specifically targeting Joeslogic's right-wing ideologies, I would bet that it's merely a forum troll. Probably Google'd a subject and one of our threads showed up or something. Those N. Koreans are really stirring the shit-pot these days. However, I doubt that China will back them up all the way. China is founding out that money is great to have and they probably don't want to screw up the S. Korean markets with a war.
Well, genius, you did say you were an American, so I assumed that means you live in the states. Of course I guess there is some chance that you live in another country, but most likely your shift as chief fry clerk at the McDonalds in Cut Bank Montana probably started. Yawn. You are about as clever as an 8 year old, so I guess using the same lame retort every time is your best defense. Too ignorant to realize how stupid you are. I guess it really is bliss, kind of like being a commie, you dont know how bad you got it cause they tell you it could be worse. Keep sucking on that gubment tit, big brother will always take care of you.
Sorry to delude you, actually my wife (also American) found something funny here and emailed it to me. I then had a look at the site, and came across shitslogic hate propaganda. And now I'm having fun at telling him and salamean how idiots they actually are. Rightists really deserve all the shit we shove down their rotten mouths.
Hey salamean, as a McDonald's chief fry clerk I warn you I could ruin forever your career with fellow TacoBell as a certified garbage bag collection technician On the other hand, considering all the time and patience spent in training you for that, that'd be too bad. Since they too believe in "giving back to the community", it would be a shame to fire a retard like you, one of the balls-challenged kind By the by, l.s.o.b., you'd better put some platform shoes or grow a couple of feet to pretend to stand up to me. I can perfectly deal alone with the 2 or 3 of you on my own. Maybe you wanna call your mom or somebody else? The more of you to kick your @sses the better . Funny you said we Commies (lord, how I LOVE that word! Supposing god exists, and if he does, which I state he doesn't, he surely doesn't give a damn about what we think of it ) "don't know how bad [we] got it cause they tell you it could be worse." See, you l.s.o.b., considering the brutal collapse of your shitty financial world and that it's the workers' money that is being held up to save the banksters, you actually ought to shut the fuck up. But it's stronger than you, and you scumbags come to trumpet your reaganschizonomics and doctorate about it; and you weren't even able to: (1) foresee the wallS you were going to crash against, (2) do anything to prevent it, and (3) do anything to make sure it won't happen again. And when the crisis is here, and your buttocks are red, you come begging public money to save your shitty @sses. So, public money is good for saving greedy private corporations, but bad for public healthcare, education, housing, etc., yeah? Man, that's pathetic (sorry for calling you a man, cry-baby). Hey salamean, here's another idea for you (since you can't produce any of your own): give shitslogic's a pair of balls as a xmas gift. You should offer a pair to each other. Since you may be soon losing your job in TacoBell as a certified garbage bag collection technician, perhaps you can steal something similar from a public school's xmas tree and make do. Ain't that what they teach you in reaganschizonomics, to steal other people's money for private reasons?